User Portlet User Portlet

Seth Chandler
The concept you are missing is that you need to define a probability distribution. The PDF is not the same thing as the distribution itself. Basically, you describe a TruncatedDistribution of an ExponentialDistribution. So you could write this as...
Thanks!! Your fix will definitely help with my immediate issue. My two cents is that, from a design perspective, PerformanceGoal might not be the best option to handle it. Usually PerformanceGoal relates to execution of the function. Seems to me...
Thanks, Dan, that's extremely helpful. And it seems to work on my test cases involving symbolic and integer data. But ... if you take a large numeric data matrix, and compute its inverse covariance matrix, there will be little errors that creep into...
Attached is a notebook showing the MultivariateTDistribution for the distribution of the regression coefficients that I get out of LinearModelFit and the ones obtained from BayesianLinearRegression. I am leaning to the theory that there is nothing...
Here's an amended notebook that shows how you can get an (inferior) visualization in version 12.1
Clever. I thought there might be many ways to do this. Yours will do better with ponds that have caves or that are not functions in the z direction.
"Currently Wolfram Community search is under construction. We strongly recommend using regular web search that will give you excellent results due to advanced SEO that Wolfram Community provides." The construction project seems to have lasted...
"What I would like to see is that any function in Wolfram language that has an option "UseGPU" will actually use the GPU on my Mac in the not too distant future. I don't care that I could get faster results by investing in different hardware (and...
[![enter image description here][1]][2] There are now various disputes about whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump should receive the electoral votes in various states. Courts, legislatures and state election officials will be wrestling with various...
![enter image description here][1] I thought this might be useful for people interested in the exact timeline of the US Presidential election. It may provide context for any disputes about the results of that election. And it is also a practical...