User Portlet User Portlet

Steven Christensen
Welcome to the world of Mathematica, Steve. Fascinating work. I certainly have found that Mathematica has been extremely useful even in calculations from the days of "point-spitting," which you know so well.
Michal, The MathTensor package is available from me. It is not a Wolfram Research package. Those interested can contact me at my address. MathTensor does all that I need for tensor analysis; honestly, I do not know in detail...
Take a look here for several thousand potential papers.
My first version of *Mathematica* was an alpha test on a 1/4 inch tape to run on a Sun Workstation in my office at NCSA in Illinois in the 80s. Given to me by Stephen to test long before it was called Mathematica. I may have been the first user...
Ed, you might what to add this to the entry in the OEIS in the PROG section at least. The 163 number is treated in
Ahmed, Back in October of 2016 at a star party in Staunton River State Park, a dark site in southern Virginia, I used a Stellarvue 102mm triplet refractor, a Canon 60D camera, and an Orion Atlas mount. I took two hours of 90sec and another hour or...
One of the Interstellar developers responded back to me and is now aware of your work. Here is the paper you refer to in case others want to read it also: O. James, E. von Tunzelmann, P. Franklin, and K.S. Thorne, "Gravitational lensing by...
Here is a classic paper from 1994 that might be of interest with regard to Kaluza-Klein theory.
A simple Google search for key words mathematica origami shows some interesting projects, for example, [Mathematica Origami Demonstrations][1] [1]:
Your attached file is basically empty. Why not put your code in your main message so we can see what you tried to do?