User Portlet User Portlet

&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Are there other ways to Do something once without additional overhead? Here's a short example, but I have instances with dozens of lines of code. If[overwriteBrightBandsPlot, Do[ Export[brightBandsPlotPNGfile, LPXH2]; ...
For ChromaticityPlot3D, I'd like to specify an initial rotation (or alternately, a different coordinate order). Here is what is generated by default: Print[ ChromaticityPlot3D[ "RGB", "RGB", Appearance ->...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
In the example below, the GridLines extend below and to the left of the axes. How to prevent this? ![enter image description here][1] X = 10000; Xfractions = N[(#/X) & /@ Range[0, X]]; brightBandsXRGBcolors =...
Is there a Built-in function to obtain color coordinates from a color directive? I'm currently doing it the hard way: colors = {RGBColor["AliceBlue"], RGBColor["DarkMagenta"]}; colorcoords = ToExpression[ StringSplit[ ...
In Mathematica 12.2, I'd like to have a user-defined function create a data structure, initialize it, and return it. I'm failing at the 1st step, so instead creating it beforehand with the function performing the initialization: ...
I'd like to create an illustration with Mathematica to show the flow of data in a suite of programs. In particular, I'd like to use names instead of points for vertices. Here's some example metadata, selected from what is automatically generated...
I have some data from 4 different categories, which I've partitioned by values. I'd like to display it in a plot, graphing the partitions as gridlines, the points legended by category, and the partitions themselves labeled with numbers. My...
Occasionally I find the size of directed edge arrowheads in a Graph[] are diminished. How to correct for this? For example, the arrowheads of directed edges 31\[DirectedEdge]261 276\[DirectedEdge]198, 261\[DirectedEdge]161, 30\[DirectedEdge]79...