User Portlet User Portlet

First obtain the data from ColorData["HTML", "ColoRules"] and eliminate duplicate colors. Then loop through the distance measures built-in for ColorDistance: For each of...
Is there a Built-in function to obtain color coordinates from a color directive? I'm currently doing it the hard way: colors = {RGBColor["AliceBlue"], RGBColor["DarkMagenta"]}; colorcoords = ToExpression[ StringSplit[ ...
Oh that's perfect, thank you.
According to Wikipedia, Snarks were so named by the American mathematician Martin Gardner in 1976, after the mysterious and elusive object of the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll -- the pen name of mathematician Charles Dodgson....
I think you'll succeed with Mike's suggestion above. But also be aware that different sources can use different characters for apostrophe. So one encoding might not work for all documents.
Rohit ... thank you so much, this is great. I embellished by giving dashed borders to the datasets and switching to digraph layout. programNames = suitedata[[;; , 1]]; vsf[width_, fontSize_][pos_, label_, _] := Inset[Framed[ ...
I have some data from 4 different categories, which I've partitioned by values. I'd like to display it in a plot, graphing the partitions as gridlines, the points legended by category, and the partitions themselves labeled with numbers. My...
Yes, if your needs are varying counties on an almost daily basis then building a user interface is warranted. Otherwise if you are interested in more or less the same counties every couple of weeks then batch output like this works: ![enter image...
Hi h r, I'm not sure what you mean by "expression number". Are you trying to recursively define a function "In", so that In[i] depends on In[i-1] ? Or are you trying to define a List "In", so that In[[i]] depends on In[[i-1]] ?...
Sometimes when a press release uses "Neural Net" or "AI" they are sweeping a lot under the rug. A feed-forward neural network is a static filter whose coefficients are determined empirically by iterative optimization - referred to as "training" in...