User Portlet User Portlet

I meant to ask whether the Basic Math Input palette is available for download somewhere?
Thank you Michael Rogers, this have given me an idea of how the integration works. It's just that, for integrations without using Mathematica, we would use Simpson's Rules or Trapeziodal rule for integration for numerical integration, to obtain...
This discussion (thread) was locked. It is getting too many follow-up questions that deserve their own discussions. Moderation Staff
There is a small poll in StackExchange community, with questions like: - What do you use Mathematica mostly for? - In what setting do you primarily use Mathematica? [Mathematica Community...
You can try AppendTo[] AppendTo[SaveSolution,Solution] Each time you run your model, your final result will be save in SaveSolution in a list.
Thanks again for your help and your advice, Dr. Charles Elliott (correct me if I'm wrong). I will try to digest everything. Hopefully.
Hello guys, I've been working on ParametricNDSolveValue with 4th order Runge-Kutta method and sometimes I received this error ParametricNDSolveValue::mxst: Maximum number of 10000 steps reached at the point x$214882$215402 ==...
I don't know. What about changing the pressure to prevent the water from evaporating? Say ThermodynamicData["Water", "ThermalConductivity", {"Temperature" -> Quantity[375, "Kelvins"], "Pressure" -> Quantity[1114, "Hectopascals"]}] ...
I love how your guys speak in scientific language.
I want to solve these equations by the Runge kutta method can you check it out.