User Portlet User Portlet

Thales Fernandes
You have a physical equation that needs temperature in Kelvin to some power $n$ and you want to convert this equation to one in Celcius or even Fahrenheit for ease of computation. You might do the following. $y= (T[K])^n = (T[^oC] - 273.15[^oC]...
I recently started again to train blind chess. But the apps on the Play Store for it didn't cut for me. With Mathematica, I would be able to program very quickly a `GUI`, and presto! ![guess][1] ![stats][2] Things for a future post: 1....
Is there a way to use residual NN in Mathematica that is built-in that I'm missing? Looking at how Mathematica implements residual nets in the NetModel, it is just a NetGraph. Hence I propose a simple code for residual Nets in Mathematica which can...
Very interestingly Mathematica 12.0 now has some cool shorthand notations for some functions. A good example is `ReverseSortBy`. Almost a year ago I suggest some [shorthands][1] like that if anyone is interested. One that I find myself using quite...
MIT's [MPB]( and [MEEP]( programs have a very interesting function called **interpolate** (and a variant **kinterpolate-uniform**), which basically creates points between a...
The [Conway's Game of Life]( have a very simple set of rules that can be summarized in Mathematica with two lines: GameOfLifeRule[{1,2|3}|{0,3}] := 1 GameOfLifeRule[{center_Integer,...
In this post I'll share a Neural Network (NN) arquiteture capable of classifying a input image of a Cellular Automaton (CA). This input image can be of any dimension (width and height). First we'll create a function called `RandomRule` capable of...
Suppose you want to convert a Wolfram Language Neural Network to a Keras one, how should you do it? With a few lines of code you can build a code to convert simple Net elements (others can easily be expanded. Let's start by creating a function...
Shakespearean sonnets are composed with the rhyme scheme *ABAB CDCD EFEF GG* , which means that each verse with the same label needs to rhyme. An example is the famous sonnet 18: > A: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? B: Thou art more...
A quick search on [GitGub][1] shows more than 20k repositories for the query "sudoku". There are many Mathematica packages that attempt to solve a Sudoku. But, many of those approaches don't fully utilize all Mathematica capabilities. In special:...