User Portlet User Portlet

Thales Fernandes
Hi Thales. Your post got me thinking, and for that I thank you. I appreciate your 'pythonic' comment - sometimes approaching a problem with Mathematica requires a great deal of head-scratching! All the best, John
Indeed! It should be very accurate :) I have not used it to actually order something :-)
Excellent post! (And I would imagine that what you've shown would have implications for statistical sampling: completely random vs something a bit more structured in estimating quantities in landscapes from GIS images.) I do have one issue...
Have a look at the tutorial/TemperatureUnits page in the documentation.
I recently started again to train blind chess. But the apps on the Play Store for it didn't cut for me. With Mathematica, I would be able to program very quickly a `GUI`, and presto! ![guess][1] ![stats][2] Things for a future post: 1....
Would you consider submitting it to the Function Repository?
Great! I found a C++ implementation and use it with LibraryLink template to simulate when you put a large pile of sand on a single cell:
Excellent extension of FindRoot! Would be nice to have FindRoots on the Wolfram Function Repository so we can all use it without having to copy the code.
Is there a way to use residual NN in Mathematica that is built-in that I'm missing? Looking at how Mathematica implements residual nets in the NetModel, it is just a NetGraph. Hence I propose a simple code for residual Nets in Mathematica which can...
This is really useful! I hope that the most often used functions will be considered for inclusion in the Wolfram Language.