User Portlet User Portlet

Tim Laska
Thank you for your help! It has evaluated up to "Sorry, next step is kind of time-consuming." So, the problem has been fixed.
You could use `wmic` and `RunProcess` like so: RunProcess[{"wmic", "cpu", "get", "name"}]["StandardOutput"] "Name Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930MX CPU @ 3.00GHz "
Try using "Points" with RandomInstance. For example: GeometricScene[{a, b, c}, {Triangle[{a, b, c}], PlanarAngle[{a, b, c}] == 30 \[Degree]}] ri = RandomInstance[%] ri["Points"] (* {a -> {0.358567, -1.71279}, b ->...
I am quite sure that non-conformal interfaces (e.g., a sliding mesh) are not currently supported. The best you could do is use a reference frame approximation, but that would still be a substantial undertaking.
You can read in step files, but you will need to make sure the extension is in lower case (i.e., "*.step"). I threw together a step file in SolidWorks and read in easily provided I changed the extension from STEP to step. ...
Does this [MSE Link]( help?
Hi Jessica, I think this is a very good demonstration of _Mathematica_ interoperability with NetLogo. It may be useful to provide links to the [NetLogo software]( and the [Mathematica Package Installation...
Beautiful render Sylvia! I feel like an amateur now, which I am. I can envision some true _Mathematica(l)_ art being generated with this workflow. Thank you for the detailed description and notebook!
[![Rendered Coin Flip][1]][2] I have used the free program [_Blender_ v2.79b]( to simulate the handling of 100s of complex shapes through a geometrically complex industrial machine with many moving parts including...
[![Rotating stage][13]][14] Here is an example of a basic rendered scene by calling Unity from Mathematica. Of course, a lot of work can be required to make it pretty. Needs["UnityLink`"]; UnityOpen["SphereLighting"]; ...