User Portlet User Portlet

Valeriu Ungureanu
Thank you for this post George. This looks like a fun project and I am eager to try it out with different images as you suggest. I can use your code and train the network lenetTrained, but I have trouble calculating selectedAsc. Could you please...
That is great, Clayton! It takes me some time to adapt your Texture, thanks. The trick is with the specific number of hexagons to be closed on the torus. OK, it is also understandable, if initial Texture is...
One more thing: Wolfram Research, and Stephen personally, has done a lot towards the democratization of computation. That is, WL has made the tools needed to do computation available fro a much wider audience. Fully supporting Apple hardware...
Great series. I completed the four quizzes. Do we need to do anything else to request a certificate?
Daily Challenge (Day 17): Post a link to a fun web app/microsite you created with CloudDeploy or CloudPublish and also include the code you used to create it. The first offering of the Daily Study Group ends today. Hope you enjoyed it as much as...
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much.This is a big help! Andrew Skipor
Yet another way: DeleteMissing[{#, PartOfSpeech[#]} & /@ StringJoin /@ Permutations[{"z", "t", "c", "a", "u", "h", "p"}], 1, Infinity]
Je ne sais pas. Please ask to Stephen Wolfram, why UpSet?
Thank you for your interest! Yes, I have worked on 4 and 5. > 4) Investigate mandala morphing and animations. > 5) Making a domain specific language of specifications for mandala creation and modification. Hopefully, I will post the...