User Portlet User Portlet

Valeriu Ungureanu
Construct a matrix n x n of random numbers and replace the diagonal element i with the equivalent roman numeral: n = 10; givenValues = Table[RomanNumeral[i], {i, n}]; matrix = Table[Random[], {i, n}, {j, n}]; Do[matrix[[i, i]] =...
I use Wolfram Mathematica to teach the course of Optimization Methods. The example presented above is only an elementary sample which I use to explain how to find optima of a function. The same approach I use to find the optima of a constrained...
In[1]:= FoldList[Plus, Range[10]] Out[1]= {1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55}
Right click -> Properties -> General -> Open with -> Change -> Wolfram Mathematica 11.1
Or, may be this is the solution: listofstrings = {"hello", "test", "apple", "banana", "world", "soap", "man", "an", "Hamming", "dodecahedron", "Wolfram Community", "Wolfram Language", "Paintings"}; SelectHammingWeight[x_List, z_String,...
Dear Joe, I tried to reproduce your example on my computer with $Win 10$ and that is all I can did following the documentation. I tried to reproduce the Mathematica kernel crashing as you did. On my computer it didn't appear.
You can apply FullSimplify[] and the result will be more appropriate with your expectations: In[10]:= Sum[1/((x + n)^2 + a^2), {n, -Infinity, Infinity}] Out[10]= (\[Pi] Sinh[2 a \[Pi]])/(a (-Cos[2 \[Pi] x] + Cosh[2 a \[Pi]])) ...
First two reasons are clear, correct and acceptable! But the last one is somewhat confusing, because cubic root of $-1$ in traditional interpretation is $-1$. So, in such interpretations solutions of this equation are: $1$ and $1$. In my opinion,...
That is for sum of two cores. It might be proved by indicating the number of the used core in ParallelEvaluate[]: In[17]:= ClearAll[x] x[] := RandomInteger[10, {100, 1000}] x[] // ByteCount ParallelEvaluate[MaxMemoryUsed[total =...
From Documentations: > $Assumptions is the default setting for the Assumptions option used in such functions as Simplify, Refine, and Integrate. > So, it must be specified explicitly that $x$ is positive in function Solve[]: ...