User Portlet User Portlet

Stan Wagon
Many years ago I (and Tom Sibley) proved that any tiling (finite or infinite) with Penrose rhombs is 3-colorable as a map (a question raised by John Conway). And later the same was proved for Kites and Darts. So I wonder if the same is true for hats....
My solution to problem 2 from a few years ago:
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Thanks..... stan
**WHUPS! Obsolete even as I posted it...** Also 18: dat = FoldList[PolyhedronFaceReflect, a4, {3, 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2}]; Graphics3D[{dat, Red, dat[[1]]}, Boxed -> False] ![enter image...
Very nice. Of course you know that triangles fail in the classic case because the vertex crashes into the road. Your Reuleaux method seems to not have that problem. One would have to zoom in closely to make sure the vertex happily slides into the...
New record. 148 tetrahedra in a loop such that the gap at the end has error 7 . 10^-14. So instead of the diameter of a proton, we (Mike Elgersman and I) are now down to the radius of a proton. Our previous record was 174 tetrahedra with a gap of...