User Portlet User Portlet

Stan Wagon
Many years ago I (and Tom Sibley) proved that any tiling (finite or infinite) with Penrose rhombs is 3-colorable as a map (a question raised by John Conway). And later the same was proved for Kites and Darts. So I wonder if the same is true for hats....
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:...
The panel discussion hosted by the Museum of Mathematics and moderated by Matt Parker is now set for June 10. The panelists will be me, Thomas Randall-Page and Alfred Jacquemot. The details are here: Stan Wagon
Thanks..... stan
To clarify, I would not change the 4-antiprism to an n-antiprism (just yet). Focus just on the 4-antiprism and the same questions that were asked years ago of the regular tetrahedron. 1. Is it possible to make a chain of 4-antiprisms that do not...
Very nice. Of course you know that triangles fail in the classic case because the vertex crashes into the road. Your Reuleaux method seems to not have that problem. One would have to zoom in closely to make sure the vertex happily slides into the...
The first proof of nonexistence is: [SS] S. ?wierczkowski, On a free group of rotations of the Euclidean space, Indag. Math. 20 (1958) 376\[Dash]378. Problem first posed: [HS] H. Steinhaus, Problem 175, Coll. Math., 4 (1957) 243. I now have a demo on...