User Portlet User Portlet

Frederick Wu
Erik's Anamorphic Reflections Seasons (2D and 3D, cylindrical and sphere) are much more exciting and certainly more productive than "The Game of Thrones". Something is similar. I printed a 3D spikey model ?top image?a few months before. Later one...
**Authors : [@Frederick Wu][at0] [@Shenghui Yang][at1]** ![enter image description here][414] ![enter image description here][415] ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][416] One day my friend ShengHui Yang...
Great post after Cylinder Mirror?Echer-Style in reverse ?
Today, I got an idea, Why not show text sentiments value from different author in just one-shot all together? So I write a few lines of code in Mathematica 11.3, see attached Notebook. The idea is very nature. As people said, every color...
**- A man who writen "PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica".** WordFrequencyPlot[{"Pythagoras", "Archimedes", "Euclid", "Fibonacci", "Descartes", "Newton", "Leibniz", "Gauss", "Euler", "Fermat", "Turing"},...
When my kids asked me, "Dad, who is greatest mathematican?" I found the internet old talking of [Top 10 Greatest Mathematicians][1] is not completely satisified. So I decide to...
Please find below two notebooks, It may interest you.
Hi Lee, Good job ! I am interested in your project, however when I try to run your program. I find something are missing, Like patentAnalysisMatrix. Is that possible to share a complete code or example? So that I can read and understand your...
I also make a version a few years before from the view point of robot kinematics. Your different solution of GUI and GraphicsComplex is good for speed. One playful idea of Rubik's snake. Control the joints to transform for one sort of status to...
Hi Benjamin, I think your shadow model is not only playful for video game, but also useful for real engieering. For example, [Wind turbine][1] is usually big and high, it generate big shadow. Meanwhile it is slowly dynamic shadow, that shadow...