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Recently a friend of mine complained to me, there seems to be no easy way to calculate _critical values of Durbin-Watson d statistic_ in _Mathematica_. Though my knowledge for statistics is primary, this sounds like something easy to implement, or...
Yeah, I'm asking about the pronunciation of the word _Mathematica_. According to the speeches of Stephen, it seems to be /mæθə'mætikɑ/, but I've never found it in any dictionary. I can obtain a canonical answer in this forum, right?
Today I come across the homepage of [Bengt Fornberg]( (A guy who is frequently mentioned in the [document of method of lines](
Since my installation of v9 isn't so smooth, I'm not sure if this is due to an improper installation, but I found that the document of v9 gives no result for a lot of Chinese words that can lead to available results in v8, for example: ?? ???? ...