User Portlet User Portlet

Hi, About the Plot function, the first argument needs to be in the form f Quantity[mag, unit] after evaluation, where f is a "plottable" expression. mag may contain the variable of Plot, e.g., e in the following example.[mcode]e Quantity[0.001,...
Hi, FindRoot takes a long time because it is trying to do symbolic evaluation with g, a huge polynomial. You can speed up calculation by making a function definition with restriction. Try the following: [mcode]gfun[k_?NumericQ] := g; Plot[gfun[k] -...
Hi, When I tried your code, I got the following error message: Solve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve. >> The first and second equations can be solved for c1 and c2, respectively. The above error message is...
Hi, Assignments like f[0] = 10 can be made any time. All occurrences of f[0] will then be replaced with its value, 10. The argument can be any Mathematica expression, so f[0.1] = 10 and f[g[x]+h[x]] = 10 are also possible. In contrast, in order to...
Hi, Here is my suggestion. Get all of E^(a t) using Cases. Then use Collect with var = (List of E^(a t)) (see Mathematica help for details). You will need further processing to factor out the factors t^n. Youngjoo Chung
Hi, The main reason why Limit was not able to evaluate the expression is that the relative magnitude of x and y is not known. You need to transform the expression to a simpler form like [mcode]x Limit[(1 + b/a (y/x)^r)^(1/r), r -> \[Infinity],...
Hi, I observed that the corrected input is not quite the same as the original. Anyway, if it is taking very long time to solve, it is quite possible that the equation does not have closed-form algebraic solutions. In that case, the solutions can be...