User Portlet User Portlet

Could I know how to creat a such blue line in front-end? ![Mathematica graphics]( I also don't know how to create such gray line in official documentation ![Mathematica...
As the documentation of `VertexCoordinates`,it is a bug indeed presisting many version. ![Mathematica graphics]( The method based on `Thread` always is my choice currently. Graph[g, VertexCoordinates ->...
I want to make a "slectAll" and "slectNone" button in CheckboxBar,this is current method DynamicModule[{x}, First[{CheckboxBar[ Dynamic[x], {1, 2, 3, 4 -> "SelectAll", 5 -> "SelectNone"}], If[MemberQ[x, 4], x = {1, 2,...
Of course we can operate like this dset[All, Transpose /* (#vector1.#vector2 &), {"vector1", "vector2"}] Or dset[All, Transpose /* Apply[Dot], {"vector1", "vector2"}]