Do you ever wish you could save data directly into a notebook instead of having to export it? I sometimes do things like
mydata = {1,2,3, ...};
just to be able to use this data next time I open the notebook. This could be data I pasted from the web, or something that just took several minutes to generate.
But saving it like this is inconvenient, and often takes up a lot of space.
Today I published a blog post about a better method that I have been using recently. I thought people here may be interested:
The idea is to use first Compress
the data, then use Interpretation
to create a compact display for it. Here's a small function that packages all of this up:
SaveToCell::usage =
"SaveToCell[variable] creates an input cell that reassigns the current value of variable.\n" <>
"SaveToCell[variables, display] shows 'display' on the right-hand-side of the assignment.";
SetAttributes[SaveToCell, HoldFirst]
SaveToCell[var_, name : Except[_?OptionQ] : "data", opt : OptionsPattern[]] :=
With[{data = Compress[var],
panel = ToBoxes@Tooltip[Panel[name, FrameMargins -> Small], DateString[]]},
InterpretationBox[panel, Uncompress[data]],
(* prevent deletion by Cell > Delete All Output: *)
GeneratedCell -> False,
(* CellLabel is special: last occrrence takes precedence, so it comes before opt: *)
CellLabel -> "(saved)",
CellLabelAutoDelete -> False
If you have your data in the variable var
, simply run SaveToCell[var]
, which will create an input cell that re-assign the value of var
. It looks like this:

We can also customize the display:
var = Range[1000];
SaveToCell[var, Short[var]]

Hovering the display will show the date when the data was saved.
also takes arbitrary Cell
options, and passes them down to the generated cell. Something strange I observed while writing this function is that with some options, such as CellLabel
, it is not the first but the last occurrence of the option that takes precedence. Does anyone know why?
We can use this functionality to change the cell style, add a different label, or to protect the cell against accidental deletion: SaveToCell[var, Deletable -> False]
I have been using this little function for a while, and I hope that others will find it useful too.
Do be careful though: notebooks are not designed for storing large data. I would avoid storing data as large as several tens of megabytes within notebooks.