How can I change the Y axis range from 10^-3 to 10^0 with step size: 10^-1 to plot the following function
f = Product[ 1 - (Gamma[m, (m (((10 Log10[3]) *0.5)/S )^(1/n))/t] Gamma[ m, (m ((10 Log10[3]*0.75)/S)^(1/n))/t])/Gamma[m]^2, {i, 1, M}] /. Subscript -> Part;
p = Plot[f, {S, 0, 20}, PlotRange -> {0,1}]
Assuming that: m =1.64, n=2, M = 3 , t=1.57
I used PlotRange but it does not work..
Thanks for your support