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Which version of Mathematica is available on Raspberry Pi ?

Posted 6 years ago


I recently added Mathematica on my Raspberry 3 (originally with Raspbian Lite), and got the 11.0.1. Any attempt to get the 11.2 version by a classical upgrade process

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade wolfram-engine 

just answers that I am up-to-date... However I can read in the group lot of posts concerning 11.2 ! How can I get it ? I wouldn't like to reinstall Raspbian, as it is a special image.

Thank you for your help,


POSTED BY: yves papegay
16 Replies
Posted 6 years ago

I am trying to install the Raspberry Pi but getting the error code 0x80004005 in Windows 8. I also try on windows error code 0x80004005 for the help purpose but did not get any response.

POSTED BY: Arica Martin

I just re-added support for the Raspberry Pi for the IGraph/M package. If you are interested in doing graph theory or network analysis on the RPi with Mathematica, get the latest version:

Posted 6 years ago

Hey Szabolcs

I will have a look at your site, I did graph theory last year, used a bit of Mathematica for it. I mainly used Maple for graph theory.

POSTED BY: Tonde Kush

After uninstalling and purging the package, I cannot even reinstall it:

11.3 is back in the official repo, so this should work now

POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski

I tried to upgrade to 11.3 today. It still keeps telling me that 11.2 is the latest version. I did run sudo apt-get update multiple times, and other packages do update.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get upgrade wolfram-engine
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
wolfram-engine is already the newest version (11.2.0+2018011502).
Calculating upgrade... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Does anyone have tips about what to try?

I have a first-generation Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Stretch.


After uninstalling and purging the package, I cannot even reinstall it:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install wolfram-engine
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package wolfram-engine
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Also worked for me now. I was getting message that my version (11.2) was the latest one, but since @Tonde Kush posted I tried again and I got it upgrade to v 11.3

Thanks so much, guys!

POSTED BY: Giovani Diniz
Posted 6 years ago

Just checked, use the "sudo apt-get upgrade" it is updating now. Also just a quick one, I use Wolfram on laptop and when I want to calculate something e.g. if I type Fourier, it comes up with several options. Why doesn't Pi version do that?

POSTED BY: Tonde Kush

@TondeKush I do not know this for a certainty, but l will venture to guess that the predictive interface is too resource-needy to run nicely on the Raspberry Pi platform.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

you can run this code to check the performance. raspi is in the lower range, that is tru

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal
Posted 6 years ago

That is what I thought as well, well in a way it will force me to learn a lot more. I notice the Pi does get overwhelmed at times and just freezes.

POSTED BY: Tonde Kush

I can't upgrade to v 11.3 either.

POSTED BY: Giovani Diniz

This installs the 11.3 Mathematica on your Raspbian Stretch:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal
Posted 6 years ago

Mathematica 11.3.0 (32-bit) has now been released for the Raspberry Pi.

POSTED BY: Graham Michalk

I can't seem to update to 11.3?

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal

sudo apt-get install wolfram-engine

should update Mathematica provided you have raspbian stretch installed.

POSTED BY: Damanjit Singh
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