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Is Mathematica 11 compatible with Mac OS Mojave

Posted 7 years ago

any problem with Mojave before I switch to it?

POSTED BY: michel
24 Replies

I came across a similar issue during the beta test for version 12. There were some old components that earlier versions of Mathematica used that were not removed during a simple installation.

So, now, I routinely remove the $UserBaseDirectory (etc. -- depends on your installation history) before any upgrade. You should move this directory (folder) to another location so that you can copy back any customizations you have installed, such as stylesheets or applications or packages.

Since I did this, there have been no issues, and macOS Mojave reports that not only is Mathematica fully 64 bit, there are no legacy apps or components associated with Mathematica.

There is a new web page (which Dale has linked to) about uninstalling Mathematica. This is not the "official" web page, and recommends the use of a different application.

The official support page:

Uninstalling Mathematica

refers to $BaseDirectory, which no longer exists for most users, but is otherwise pretty thorough. This is the method that I use. You will need to re-enter the activation key (or restore the file that contains it), and then copy back any stylesheets, etc. that you want to keep.

Once you have gotten rid of the "cruft", you can probably install new versions by simply replacing the app. I did this for the final version of Mathematica 12, and everything worked just fine.

Note that this is probably a general issue for upgrades of many apps, that there may be older bits that are no longer used, but which are still on disk. The problem is more obvious now due to the 64 bit issue. (I have had to do a similar thing to other apps that I have upgraded over multiple versions of macOS and multiple computers.)

Further, if you encounter any weirdness with Mathematica, I would recommend un-install and re-install including removing the $UserBaseDirectory. If nothing else, it will restore your installation to a "known state" for dealing with tech support.

Posted 6 years ago

A similar message is available in macOS Mojave, and if you open up a 32-bit app while running Mojave, you're going to see an alert letting you know a specific app won't work with future versions of macOS unless it's updated.

While if you're using Mathematica 12, which has been fully tested on macOS 10.14 (Mojave), you may still see the warning since it's not completely rebuilt with 64-bit architecture. To determine whether Mathematica is 64-bit or 32-bit:

In menu bar, Click on About This Mac > System Report > Applications > Scroll all the way to the right to see the 64-bit list.

For elder version of Mathematica, it's suggested to uninstall it first and reinstall with the current version. Here's an easy Mathematica uninstall guide to follow.

POSTED BY: Clem Harvey
Posted 6 years ago

I hav the same (correct) result. No issue with Mojave so far.

POSTED BY: michel
Posted 6 years ago

this formula gives the following answer: 1 - (Q^2 r^2)/6 + (Q^4 r^4)/120

No problem here

POSTED BY: michel

Sorry for the typo. (fixed).

No clue what the expression should evaluate to. My only concern was getting some kind of reasonable output.

For what's worth, I get the same output with the Mathematica 12 beta, which has not been released. (I don't keep older versions around.)

/Users/geo3rge/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at 4.40.50 PM.png

Posted 6 years ago

I checked my interactions with Apple and Wolfram re Mojave. I was a beta tester for Mojave on my 'spare' computer (a 13 inch MacBook Pro). I tested each beta with Mathematica 11.3 -- actually Wolfram Desktop from a Wolfram|One trial, since I don't have a third license. I had no issues with the program itself, although there were issues with the download manager.

When I installed macOS Mojave on my two main computers (a 2017 27 inch iMac and a 2016 15 inch MacBook Pro), there were issues with the installation. I ran disk utility immediately after the installation, and it found orphaned dream object. Apple support said that these were left-overs from the installation, and they should go away. I know how entropy works, though.

I ended up using recovery mode (cmd-R on restart) to erase the hard drive, re-install Mojave, and then restore from a back-up. On my MacBook Pro, I saved the contents of my documents folder and did a clean install.

After I did that, there were no more problems with Disk Utility. In addition, inside the ~/Library folder, there was a lot less stuff from Wolfram. The download managers, and some other installers apparently do not clean up after themselves very well.

These computers had been updated from older installations over the years, and so there was a lot of cruft in the System Folder (and elsewhere). Depending on your history, the same may be true for you. It is possible that your issues have to do with obsolete stuff in the $UserBaseDirectory.

If you have no issues with other apps, or with Disk Utility, you may simply want to remove the Mathematica folder from within ~/Library (aka $UserBaseDirectory). When you restart Mathematica, you will need to re-authorize. I would keep the old folder somewhere, especially if you have custom stylesheets, palettes, or other add-ons.

Since it is only an issue of download time (unless you saved the installer), if you have invested this much time, it makes sense to install a fresh copy of Mathematica. Note that doing this without setting the $UserBaseDirectory to its 'new state' is a waste of time in most cases.

NOTE that on macOS, the $BaseDirectory should not exist. It was deleted a couple of macOS upgrades ago for security reasons, although the Wolfram documentation and FAQ still refer to it. It is inside the system's Library folder, as opposed to the User's Library folder. If you have a Mathematica folder there, you should probably remove it. Mine disappeared with the OS update automatically. Wolfram Support will tell you that you can manually copy the Mathematica folder from your User library there, but in my opinion, that is asking for trouble.

In the 'dark ages', when the OS came on DVD-ROM, I would always do an erase and install whenever there was a new OS. It is a lot more convenient to simply upgrade in place, but there is a price. I found stuff from more than 10 years ago inside my system folder that really should not have been there. My MacBook Pro seems zippier, but that could just be an impression. I really had few, if any problems before, but I did recover significant disk space. I also managed to lose preferences, etc. for software that I no longer use.

POSTED BY: Updating Name

Is Mathematica 11 compatible with Mac OS Mojave

POSTED BY: Jean Guy Lussier

I am puzzled... Maybe it has to do with MacBookPro with solid-state drive. Is my Mathematica version corrupted?


The expression does not simplify even after re-downloading Mathematica 11.3 and reinstalling under Mojave. Never heard of version 11.4. Not available for download.

POSTED BY: Jean Guy Lussier

I just tested your input on 11.3 under Mojave. Seems to work ok.

In[1]:= expansion=Series[Sin[Q r]/(Q r),{r,0,5}]

Out[1]= 1-(Q^2 r^2)/6+(Q^4 r^4)/120+O[r]^6

I've had no issues using 11.3 under Mojave, but (obviously) I have not tested all functionality.

Restarted the computer, restarted Mathematica.... Still the same problem with Series.

I am a heavy Mathematica user and the only thing I changed is the installation of Mojave...Notebook output

POSTED BY: Jean Guy Lussier

Does anyone have information about whether Mathematica 10.0.2 works fine on Mojave?

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

It is very unlikely that this has anything to do with Mojave. Have you tried restarting Mathematica? OS upgrades would typically cause problems with the front end only.

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

I updated to Mojave on my MacBook Pro last week and this morning I got problems with Mathematica 11.3...

expansion = Series[Sin[Q r]/(Q r), {r, 0, 5}]

gave me a rubbish output with missing factors in the terms. (I tried to paste the output here but it is difficult to read).

POSTED BY: Jean Guy Lussier
Posted 6 years ago
POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 7 years ago

Hello, Thanks for your reply. I've tried your suggestions, twice, but I still have the same problem. I'll contact Support. Thank you.

POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 7 years ago

If you can't figure out the issue, I'd first recommend resetting Mathematica to its default configuration as oftentimes that will help with any issues you come across.

If it's still failing to start properly after deleting the directories mentioned in the above article I would then contact support.

POSTED BY: Kyle Martin
Posted 7 years ago

I've switched to Mojave and now the Front End doesn't open. The app runs in background but there is no way to use it (except from a Terminal).

I've reinstalled 11.3.0 on the Mac but the problem persists.

Does anybody have an idea about what the problem could be? Thanks.

An analysis on the process shows:

2018-10-01 17:13:55.066 sample[26384:827987] Failed to create CSSymbolicatorRef for pid 26375 Mathematica

Sampling process 26375 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples

Sampling completed, processing symbols...

Analysis of sampling Mathematica (pid 26375) every 1 millisecond

Process: Mathematica [26375]

Path: /Applications/

Load Address: 0x1000

Identifier: com.wolfram.Mathematica

Version: ???

Code Type: X86

Parent Process: ??? [1]

Date/Time: 2018-10-01 17:13:55.011 +0100

Launch Time: 2018-10-01 17:13:49.876 +0100

OS Version: Mac OS X 10.14 (18A391)

Report Version: 7

Analysis Tool: /usr/bin/sample

Physical footprint: 8K

Physical footprint (peak): 8K

Call graph:

2677 Thread_827531: Main Thread   DispatchQueue_<multiple>

  2677 ???  (in <unknown binary>)  [0xcfc000]

Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):

Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):

    ???  (in <unknown binary>)  [0xcfc000]        2677

Binary images description not available

Sample analysis of process 26375 written to file /dev/stdout

POSTED BY: rui agostinho
Posted 7 years ago

Other apps do see the same message, notably Adobe Application Manager which is part of Creative Cloud. I've heard that under Mojave the warning repeats every thirty days. Under High Sierra it was indeed first time only.

POSTED BY: Andy Parker

Are there any known compatibility problems with earlier versions of Mathematica than 11.3, back to 10.0.2?

I am only interested in new compatibility problems specific to Mojave, not those that were also present in High Sierra (such as the one with the font chooser dialog).

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

I think we have to distinguish here that the kernel is already 64 bit, but the 11.3 frontend is 32 bit. But version 12 will be have a 64 bit front end… (see e.g. Twitch videos indeed).

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Thanks for the update on the official support. The dialog that Mojave puts up when starting a 32 bit app can be a bit confusing, though. Mathematica is my only "critical" app that is not yet 64 bit, and if others are in the same boat, Mathematica maybe the only app where they see the dialog, though.

Posted 7 years ago

Mathematica 11.3 does officially support macOS Mojave, as documented here.

POSTED BY: Kyle Martin

Mathematica 11.3 has a 32 bit Front end. Mojave runs 32 bit apps, but gives you a warning. The next macOS will not run 32 bit apps.

The next release of Mathematica will surely be 64 bit -- as shown in Stephen Wolfram's Twitch sessions -- so other than the warning (which appears just once, I believe), we are ok.

Oh yes. After updating, when I first launched the App, I saw popup


After this, Mathematica opened up as usual and everything looks fine so far. I will update this if I notice any other changes in Mathematica in macOS Mojave.

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