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Ulam Spirals in Wolfram Language

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The Traditional Ulam Spiral

Although there are some very elegant methods of displaying the Ulam spiral in Mathematica, I wanted one that was slightly more general, with the specific goal of making the Ulam spiral for a hexagonal tiling of the plane.

With that in mind, I adopted the following approach: for the standard rectangular tiling of the plane, the spiral consists of concentric 'shells' of points, each shell containing (2n+1)^2 numbers. Consequently finding which shell a given number is in reduces to taking a square root.

quadlayer[q_] := Ceiling[(Sqrt[q] - 1)/2]

The convention being that the origin is the 'zeroth' shell. Next, we count how many squares 'around' the given shell a number is, just given by taking the difference from the shell underneath it.

quadaround[q_] := q - (2 quadlayer[q] - 1)^2

The method for actually generating the appropriate point comes down to specifying the 'corner' of the shell to start from, and how far along the 'edge' to travel. This is easily determined from the previously determined shell number and 'around' number.

Depiction of how a point is computed based on shell and around

For example, to get the position of 12 in the spiral, we compute that it's in shell 2, so we start at a corner two steps away from the origin. We then compute that it is three steps around this shell, so we travel three steps around the outside.

Use of QuotientRemainder tells us which corner to start at, and how many steps to go

quadpoint[q_] := (quadlayer[q] (Sqrt[2] AngleVector[\[Pi]/2 (#1 - 1/2)]) 
                                 + (#2) AngleVector[\[Pi]/2 (#1 + 1)]  ) & @@ 
                  Quiet[QuotientRemainder[quadaround[q], 2 quadlayer[q]]]

The first part of the vector specifies the corner to start at, and the second specifies how many steps along the edge to take.

ListPlot[quadpoint[#] & /@ Range[400], Joined -> True, AspectRatio -> Automatic]

Procession of spiral points

And from there we can generate the ordinary Ulam spiral, or select a starting point, such as p_13=41, which reproduces the rather striking spiral from the wikipedia page on the subject.

ListPlot[quadpoint[# - 40] & /@ (Prime[#] & /@ Range[13, 10000]), 
 AspectRatio -> Automatic, Axes -> False]

Ulam Spiral starting at 41


This method of computing where a given integer should end up in the spiral naturally generalizes to m-gons. The first shell will have m points in it, the second will have 2m, etc, so the number of points going up to the n'th layer is just

1+ m n(n-1)/2

And so given an integer, we can again compute which layer it is in, and how many 'around' the layer it goes.

mgonLayer[q_, m_] := Ceiling[1/2 (1 + Sqrt[-8 + m + 8 q]/Sqrt[m])] - 1

maround[q_, m_] := q - (1 + m/2 ((mgonLayer[q, m] - 1) (mgonLayer[q, m])))

And in an exactly analogous way, we can use these to specify where in a shell a given integer should go. A little more geometry is required to figure out where the 'corners' of each layer are, and how long the sides are, but the situation is essentially the same.

mpoint[q_, m_] := (mgonLayer[q, m] AngleVector[(2 \[Pi])/m (#1 - 1)] +
                 #2 2 Sin[\[Pi]/m] AngleVector[2 \[Pi]/m (#1 - 1) + \[Pi]/2 + \[Pi]/m]) & @@ 
                  Quiet[QuotientRemainder[maround[q, m], mgonLayer[q, m]]]

And now we can make Ulam Spirals for any regular polygon we might like

ListPlot[mpoint[#, 6] & /@ (Prime[#] & /@ Range[10000]), 
 Axes -> False, AspectRatio -> Automatic]

Hexagonal Ulam Spiral

Another Example: Circular 'tilings'

We may also define alternative functions for placing the points. As an example, we may instead have concentric circles of 2m equally spaced points.

mpoint2[q_, m_] := (mgonLayer[q,  m] AngleVector[(2 \[Pi])/(m*mgonLayer[q, m]) (maround[q, m]-1)])

ListPlot[mpoint2[#, 6] & /@ (Prime[#] & /@ Range[10000]), Axes -> False, AspectRatio -> Automatic]

Ulam Spiral with circle Some other elegant examples that are possible include displaying ListPlots with pointsize given by number of factors, spirals of prime squares, cubes, etc.

Hopefully this will enable some people to make elegant and visually pleasing Ulam spirals, and related objects.

2 Replies

Great, thanks for sharing, I like the generalization very much! why the hexagon shows different type of visual patterns in some sectors more reminiscent of parallel lines, or is it an illusion? And it is so nice you dug up that golden oldie:

Ulam spiral to appear on Sept. 2013 cover of Math Horizons

Here is a particularly stunning version from that post's comments by @Jari Kirma

With[{size={1920,1200},numbers=100000,r=4/(3 GoldenRatio)},
    PlotRange->(r/3) (# {-1,1}/2&/@size),ImagePadding->None,

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

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