Dear Anton,
Thanks for the very interesting code. When I run the code, I get an error message in "Getting coordinates for the letters". Do you know why?
For your info: version MM 11.3
Options[LetterAt] = {FontFamily -> "Times", FontWeight -> Bold,
FontSize -> 120};
LetterAt[letter_String, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Block[{grm, grmr, mcoords, fontFamily, fontWeight, fontSize},
fontFamily = OptionValue[FontFamily];
fontWeight = OptionValue[FontWeight];
fontSize = OptionValue[FontSize];
grm = Graphics[
Text[Style[letter, FontFamily -> fontFamily,
FontWeight -> fontWeight, FontSize -> fontSize], {0, 0}],
ImageSize -> {100, 100}];
grmr = Rasterize[grm];
mcoords = Reverse /@ Position[grmr[[1, 1]], {0, 0, 0}] // N];
LetterCoordsToLines[coords_, offsetSize_Integer, nsample_Integer] :=
Line[({pair[[1]] - offsetSize*#1,
pair[[2]] + offsetSize*#1} &)[(pair[[2]] - pair[[1]])/
Norm[pair[[2]] - pair[[1]]]]]] /@
Table[RandomSample[coords, 2], {nsample}]
LetterCoordsToLines2[coords_, offsetSizeDummy_Integer,
nsample_Integer] :=
Line[{2 pair[[2]] - pair[[1]], 2 pair[[1]] - pair[[2]]}]],
Table[RandomSample[coords, 2], {nsample}]]
word = "MUSEUM";
letterCoords =
MapThread[(t =
LetterAt[#1, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Normal",
FontSize -> 100];
Map[Function[{p}, p + {#2, 0}], t]) &, {Characters[word],
Range[0, (StringLength[word] - 1)*100, 100]}]

Thanks and look forward to your reply !