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[WSC19] Fitting the World: Physical Scale from Satellite Images

POSTED BY: William Goodall
8 Replies

o project! Last year at WSS18, a student did a very similar project: "Predicting the Scale of Satellite Images Using Neural Network."

This is one of my favorite smaller NN projects I've seen. Good job.

I have a gut feeling this would be similar to estimating the fractal dimension of the binarized image.

A while back, another summer school student wrote a CNN to estimate fractal dimensions:

It'd be really interesting to see to how strongly correlated the fractal dimension of the image and the scale are.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

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Well done William! You handled challenges of this project quite professionally. Have you started working on it to generalize to the entire globe? Even at this level, you have developed lots of interesting functions that are suitable for Wolfram Function Repository. What do you think about submitting them to WFR, then other users can use it in any Wolfram Language computation?

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 6 years ago

Super interesting research, and very good results given the scope and difficulty of the task. Especially love the idea on just having a neural network overfit the entire world :P Given that your end network architecture was tuned automatically, why do you think a "mostly linear" neural network ended up working best for this task?

POSTED BY: Nico Adamo

Because I was doing feature extraction separately, I only had to construct the classification half of the classic CNN image processing architecture. Also, in the limited time (and with the mid-tier GPU in my laptop) I had to train the net, having a smaller number of weights made training a little faster, not to mention less likely to overfit my data (in a bad way :) ).

POSTED BY: William Goodall
Posted 6 years ago

This is an amazing project! It seems like a fun idea to explore and it has many real world descriptions. I hope you continue to code in this wonderful style.

POSTED BY: Simeon Buttery

Thank you! It was definitely a lot of work organizing all the work---weaving a clear thread through all the various misadventures and failures was a challenge.

POSTED BY: William Goodall
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