I made Mathematica script that could be executed on RPI by:
$ wolfram -script ./script_name.m
and it does what I wish. But if I try to execute it from cron job:
27 * * * * sudo wolfram -noprompt -script /home/user/path/script_name.m > cron_log.txt
with or with out sudo and -noprompt, all I get is entry into cron_log.txt:
Developer`LaunchFrontEnd::nxsrv: An x server is required for that operation.
Rasterize::nofe: A front end is not available; Rasterize requires a front end.
Developer`LaunchFrontEnd::nxsrv: An x server is required for that operation.
Rasterize::nofe: A front end is not available; Rasterize requires a front end.
Script is txt file and uses Import, DateListPlot, and Export command to save plot as PNG.
Any idea why and how...