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Solve for transcendental curve x^y == y^x && x != y

Posted 11 years ago
Sorry for this may seem stupid but how come whenever I type in
NSolve[x^y == z && y^x == z && x != y, {x, y, z}]
I get back
NSolve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to NSolve. >>
when i should get x=2,y=4,z=16. In english im trying to find what x and y are in x^y=y^x,y not equal to x.
POSTED BY: awalia2002
8 Replies
Use Reduce function to set a domain for the problem: 
In[6]:= Reduce[(x^2)+(y^2)==z^2,{x,y,z},Integers]
Out[6]= (C[1]|C[2]|C[3])\[Element]Integers&&C[3]>=0&&((x==C[1] (C[2]^2-C[3]^2)&&y==2 C[1] C[2] C[3]&&z==C[1] (C[2]^2+C[3]^2))||(x==2 C[1] C[2] C[3]&&y==C[1] (C[2]^2-C[3]^2)&&z==C[1] (C[2]^2+C[3]^2)))
POSTED BY: Shenghui Yang
Luca, thanks I fixed the code. With respect to ParametricPlot - try reopen Mathematica. It works perfectly fine on my Mac and M.9.0.1. If problem persists - try to find minimal example that breaks and post it as a separate question. Thanks!
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
Interestingly enough, Wolfram|Alpha can solve for this! But only for lower branch. Just enter the following
x^y = y^x

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
This can actually be solved analytically. Consider the following. Your equation
x^y==y^x && x!=y

can actually be rewritten as
x^(1/x)==y^(1/y) && x!=y

So if we now solve equations
{x^(1/x)==t, y^(1/y)==t, x!=y}

as finding functions x(t) and y(t), we will parametrize your curve. For this let's that equation
Reduce[x^(1/x) == t && x > 0 && t > 0, x]

does have a beautiful simple solution
(t == 1 && x == 1) ||
(0 < t < 1 && x == E^-ProductLog[-Log[t]]) ||
(1 < t <= E^(1/E) && (
     x == E^-ProductLog[-1, -Log[t]] ||
     x == E^-ProductLog[-Log[t]]))

The same solution would go for y(t). There are two domains listed here:
0 < t < 1||1 < t <= E^(1/E)

and two functions:
E^-ProductLog[-Log[t]])||E^-ProductLog[-1, -Log[t]]

So it is obvious to avoid trivial parametric curve

We need to choose different functions for x(t) and y(t) in the same domain. You can see how exactly overlaps the numerical plot (green, thick) with analytic formula (red, dashed):
   {E^-ProductLog[-Log[t]], E^-ProductLog[-1, -Log[t]]},
   {E^-ProductLog[-1, -Log[t]], E^-ProductLog[-Log[t]]}},
  {t, 0, E^(1/E)}, PlotRange -> {{0, 7}, {0, 7}}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, Dashed, Red]],
  ContourPlot[x^y == y^x, {x, 0, 10}, {y, 0, 10},
   ContourStyle -> Directive[Green, Thickness[.05], Opacity[.3]]]


From this it is obvious to deduce the final solution:
sol[x_] := Piecewise[{
  {E^-ProductLog[-1, -Log[x^(1/x)]], 0 < x < E},
  {E^-ProductLog[-Log[x^(1/x)]], E < x}}];

sol[x] // TraditionalForm

Plot[sol[x], {x, 0, 7}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {0, 7}]

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
Posted 11 years ago
Thanks Vitaliy for your keen insight.

For the sake of clearness I think that in your 4th code insert you meant
Reduce[x^(1/x) == t && x > 0 && t > 0, x] // TraditionalForm
(i/o Reduce[y^(1/y) == x...)

Unfortunately this part of your code (in the 9th insert)
   {E^-ProductLog[-Log[t]], E^-ProductLog[-1, -Log[t]]},
   {E^-ProductLog[-1, -Log[t]], E^-ProductLog[-Log[t]]}},
  {t, 0, E^(1/E)}, PlotRange -> {{0, 7}, {0, 7}}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, Dashed, Red]]
makes my Mathematica to stop responding (or it goes into a "not responding" state for a very very long time) in my Windows 8.1 system and I can't do nothing but force close the program.
There must be probably something wrong in system and/or my settings ...
Posted 11 years ago
Thank you everyone i got it figured out, now i have another question, i forgot to mention i am new to mathemeticia, i got it yesterday.
how would I tell mathemeticia in NSolve[(x^2) + (y^2) == z^2] to only list natural numbers
POSTED BY: awalia2002
You are dealing with a transcendental equation with infinitely many solutions, It can be seen easily all your solution points lie on a curve if you neglect x = y line:
cp = ContourPlot[x^y == y^x, {x, 0, 10}, {y, 0, 10}]

Now you can use this plot to extract numerical values of points {x,y} satisfying your equation with x!=y:
pts = Cases[cp, {x_, y_} /; x != y, Infinity][[1 ;; -1 ;; 25]]
{{1.36396, 10.}, {1.41051, 8.91051}, {1.46481, 7.85714}, {1.55516, 6.65912},
{1.65445, 5.71429}, {1.78033, 4.91071}, {1.99402, 4.01786}, {2.33117, 3.22403},
{9.85722, 1.37507}, {8.91051, 1.41051}, {7.81719, 1.46853}, {6.65912, 1.55516},
{5.75786, 1.65285}, {4.91071, 1.78033}, {3.97382, 2.00832}, {3.22403, 2.33117}}

They of course would land perfectly on the curve you need:
Show[cp, Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, Point[pts]}]]

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
Reduce is more powerful than NSolve but doesn't get an answer either.
Reduce[x^y == y^x && x != y, {x, y}, Integers]
Reduce::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Reduce.
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
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