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[✓] Save a long function on disk for further use

Posted 4 years ago

I have long functions that I use often in code. So instead to put them every time in a cell and execute it, I would like to save them on the hard drive and then reuse it inside other code in order to shorten it. I tried Put, Get, DumpSave and so on but either I do not use these correctly or they are not intended for this.

What I would like to to is the following:

Define the function f

Save it giving it a name

Get it back in code:






I have the impression that this is something very easy to do but I am unable to get the info out of the Mathematica documentation. So can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

Edit: to be more clear, here is what I made:

Put[x^2, "test.m"];
f = Get["test.m"]
g[x_] := f

The wished output is 4 of course but what I get is x^2. I tried out a handful of other combinations but never obtained what I am looking for...

POSTED BY: Ulrich Utiger
6 Replies
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks Shenghui, Can you tell me why this does not work?

Hold[g[x_] := Get["test.m"]]

Would be simpler.

Edit: I found another solution:

g[x_] := Evaluate[Get["test.m"]]
POSTED BY: Ulrich Utiger


From what I understand, in your first example, you are saving an expression, your second example, you are saving a procedure.

I recommend using Set and not SetDelayed for the first case. Using your example:

Put[x^2, "test.m"];
g[x_] = Get["test.m"];


This is not unique to Put/Get. Anytime you need to evaluate an expression and then convert it to a "function", I find using Set (=), to be more clear than trying to deal with Holding, etc.

As to your second example, I would consider using Save[] or DumpSave[] to save your procedure. For example:

In[1]:= ff[z_] := Block[{n}, n = 1; Do[n = n + 1, {z}]; Return[n]]
Save["test.m", ff]

Out[5]= 4

The difference is that the Block expression must be delayed so I would use SetDelay here and save it as a function. I hope this helps.



POSTED BY: Neil Singer

You may try a combo of Hold and ReleaseHold

In[1]:= Hold[g[x_]:=f]/.f->Get["test.m"]
Out[1]= Hold[g[x_]:=x^2]
In[2]:= ReleaseHold[%]
In[3]:= g[2]
Out[3]= 4

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Shenghui Yang

So if you break the code, the rhs for SetDelay is just load the package

enter image description here

every time you call the function g, it just load the file and return x^2. Your second method works because Evaluate around the second argument overwrites the HoldAll attribute of SetDelayed.

In[9]:= Attributes[SetDelayed]
Out[9]= {HoldAll, Protected, SequenceHold}
POSTED BY: Shenghui Yang
Posted 4 years ago

Ok thanks for your info. Let's go a step further now. How would you store and get back this function:

f[z_] := Block[{n}, n = 1; Do[n = n + 1, {z}]; Return[n]];

If I use Put, it will be evaluated and I get the error Do::iterb: Iterator {z} does not have appropriate bounds. When I use Unevaluated before Block, I can Put it but then I get the same message with

f[z_] := Evaluate[Get["test.m"]]
POSTED BY: Ulrich Utiger
Posted 4 years ago

Great, this works. Meanwhile I also found a solution with packages but this is even simpler. Now, my codes will get much shorter. Thank you very much, Neil.

POSTED BY: Ulrich Utiger
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