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Compute derivatives w.r.t. subscripted variables

Posted 4 years ago

I have an expression involving subscripted variables, $x_i$ (and constants, $b_k,c_k,d_k$). I would like to compute the Jacobian but the most straightforward application of the D operator, $D[f,x[k]]$ always returns 0. I want to compute $\partial^2 f/\partial{x_i}\partial{x_j}$. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks -- Len B

POSTED BY: Len Berman
3 Replies
Posted 4 years ago


Check out the docs for Subscript[].

I believe your issue is that b[t] (and similar expressions) is being interpreted as a function call, not a subscripted variable.

Have a great 2021.

POSTED BY: Mike Besso

Sounds like a neat idea, I must have forgotten about the notation package, maybe because it was imho not well documented. Not well enough so that I could understand.

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal
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