In reviewing Lesson 7 on Exact Equation, Example 1, Slide 9, I'm confused about a particular step.
After integrating "M" & "N", expressions, we are told that the result of combining them to create the auxiliary function is: [Phi](x,g(x)) = 2 g(x) ln(x) + 3x^2 - 2g(x).
However, when you integrate "M", you get: 3 x^2 + g Log[x]; when you integrate "N", you get: - 2 g + g Log[x].
In the lesson, Luke indicates that, when combining "M" & "N", you consider the term that is common to them, g Log[x], only one time. This would give you the expression above for PHI.
Including it would give an expression with a "2" in front of the g(x) Ln(x) term: [Phi](x,g(x)) = 2 g(x) ln(x) + 3x^2- 2g(x). Using that expression, I got a slightly different answer for g[x] that had a "2" in front of the Log[x] term in the denominator.
My question: What allows us to ignore the second instance of g Log[x] when combining "M" & "N" to create PHI?