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Creating composite ambigrams from Chinese characters in Voxelverse

Posted 3 years ago

enter image description here

If we were to develop three dimensional voxel shanshui (山水) art, then we would definitely need three dimensional voxelized creator and collector stamps when processing transactions. I almost didn't say anything, but Erik Mahieu and Frederick Wu brought up ambigrams in another recent successful team effort. The purpose of this memo (at min) is to uncover a new mathematical conjecture, which occurs when creating composite ambigrams from Chinese characters in the voxelverse.

Here's the scenario.

An exercise involving a $3 \times 3$ matrix.

九gram = "道江湖金水木山自然";
dat = Rasterize[#] & /@ Characters[九gram];
RastToBitmap[im_, trim_] := With[{
   rect = Map[Mod[Mean[#] + 1, 2] &,
     Round[ImageData[im]], {2}]},
  Map[Join[{0, 0, 0}, #, {0, 0, 0}] &,
    rect][[1 + trim ;; -1 - trim, 1 + trim ;; -1 - trim]]]
bitmaps = RastToBitmap[#, 2] & /@ dat;
bitmapIms = Image[Mod[# + 1, 2]] & /@ bitmaps;
Partition[bitmapIms, 3] // Grid  

nine gram

The mission objective that shows up on the teleprompter is to encipher this matrix into the form of $8$ & an extra perfectly decodable voxel ambigrams. The problem (as mentioned by Fredrick) is that the symbols are too high genus for monotonic data to suffice.

Here's the solution I came up with, using the chosen topology of rows + columns + diagonals + knight moves from Square $1$. The lexicon is over three symbols $\{R,G,B\}$ plus another for clear space. After encoding, we can check partial projections:

Partials[gram1_, gram2_, gram3_] := With[{
   dat123 = Position[Outer[
      gram1[[#1, #2]] gram2[[#2, #3]] gram3[[#3, #1]] & ,
      Range[14], Range[14], Range[14], 1], 1]},
  MapIndexed[Function[{grams, ind},
      Complement[RotateRight[#, ind] & /@ Position[
         Outer[grams[[1, #1, #2]] grams[[2, #2, #3]] & ,
          Range[14], Range[14], Range[14], 1], 1], dat123]
      ][#1, #2[[1]] - 1] &, Partition[{gram1, gram2, gram3}, 2, 1, 1]]]

imDat[partials_] := Outer[Image[ReplacePart[
     Table[1, {i, 1, 14}, {j, 1, 14}],
     # -> 0 & /@ #1[[All, #2]]]] &,
  partials[[{2, 3, 1}]], {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}}, 1]

rowDat = Partition[bitmaps, 3];
colDat = Transpose[Partition[bitmaps, 3]];
xDat = {bitmaps[[{1, 5, 9}]], bitmaps[[{3, 5, 7}]], 
   bitmaps[[{1, 6, 8}]]};

rows = Map[imDat[Partials[Sequence @@ #]] &, rowDat];
cols = Map[imDat[Partials[Sequence @@ #]] &, colDat];
diags = Map[imDat[Partials[Sequence @@ #]] &, xDat];

TableForm /@ rows
TableForm /@ cols
TableForm /@ diags


These matrices in themselves have some interesting structure and are worth more detailed analysis, but for now, we need only one superposition function

Superpose[mat_] :=  Map[ImageMultiply@mat[[Complement[Range[3], {#}], #]] &, Range[3]]
TableForm[Superpose /@ #] & /@ {rows, cols, diags}

valid outs

These look correct, but for sake of rigor ++ QA +

MapThread[ImageSubtract[#1, #2] &,
 {Flatten[Superpose /@ rows], bitmapIms}]

MapThread[ImageSubtract[#1, #2] &,
 {Flatten[Superpose /@ cols],
  Flatten[Transpose[Partition[bitmapIms, 3]]]}]

MapThread[ImageSubtract[#1, #2] &,
 {Flatten[Superpose /@ diags],
  bitmapIms[[{1, 5, 9, 3, 5, 7, 1, 6, 8}]]}]

blackbox1 blackbox2 blackbox3

These $9 \times 3$ black boxes mean proof complete, and it may even be possible to recover the secret extra data "knight's move" by comparing regular first two prints, with odd third (proof unknown). More importantly, since this experiment was successful on 9 varied attempts, we have a new mission objective to prove the conjecture that the same process produces perfectly decodable data for any possible bitmap input.

We can also formulate another similar conjecture for fully layered projections. Using the following functions, we obtain new results in three colors:

Ambigram[TriadData_] := With[
{partials = Partials[Sequence @@ #] &@TriadData},
  Graphics3D[ Transpose[{{Blue, Red, Green}, Map[Cuboid, partials, {2}]}]]]

OrthoProj[Ambigram_] :=  GraphicsGrid[
       Boxed -> False, ViewProjection -> "Orthographic", 
       ViewPoint -> #1, ViewVertical -> #2] &,
     {{{0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, -1}, {1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}},
      {{-1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, 0, -1}, {0, 0, -1}}}], 2]]]

RGBResults[TriadData_] := With[{amb = Ambigram[TriadData]},
  GraphicsRow[Show[#, ImageSize -> 400] & /@ {
     Show[amb, ViewProjection -> "Orthographic",
      ViewPoint -> {1, 1, 1}, Boxed -> False], OrthoProj[amb]}]]










Face first projections appear to be correct, but is this always the case? Does correctness of Black and White projections imply correctness of RGB projections? These questions must be answered, and theorems proven before we can even begin to think about making voxel NFTs for certain choices of three ASCII characters (or about 玄学X).

POSTED BY: Brad Klee
12 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

The retreat from RGB to black and white for a better visualizing is best choice we have. I have no further comments at the moment. Go on with your crypto or NFT.

POSTED BY: Frederick Wu
Posted 3 years ago

Well, as for I-Ching‘s binary, I would say instead of brute force, why not "divide and conquer"?

Some people are not dividers, and others are not conquerors. What is difference anyways? Since you have shown such a beautiful, intricate calendar, here is the return encoding the $24$ solar terms (節氣) $\times$ 64 hexagrams:

Solar Term Calendar

It only has $360$ frames, so in practice I guess we would need a few days out of time. The validating data did show a few errors, but I didn't look to closely. It's probably fine.

My answer wouldn't even think to defeat the rain, nor the reverse. If the yarrow stalks say "be careful", maybe I will, maybe I won't:

randHex = RandomSample[bitmapsHex, 1][[1]];
RGBResults[ Append[RastToBitmap[Rasterize[Style[#, Large]], 16] & /@ 
   Characters["渾沌"], randHex], 16]

blatant code passing

I noticed more Jitter on the graphics grid, but this time it's my fault. If we are going to have voxel plots as a datatype, then we probably also need standard projection functions to 2D vector graphics. Keep going, I guess, but feel that views programing is just procrastinating on learn more crypto.

POSTED BY: Brad Klee
Posted 3 years ago

Hi Brad,

As today is weekend, I have more time to introduce you another puzzle.

  • In letter form (see attached PDF Escher) enter image description here

He played a global symmetry transformation of letters like N and Z, or V and L(in Dutch version)

  • In Chinese character form (See the ancient Chinese coin image) enter image description here

On the obverse side, 4 Characters share a square in center, that make the four different Chinese characters “唯吾知足”. (Read ordering: from left to right, from top to bottom). It plays a game of rotation and reflection transformation, partially. On the reverse side, two independent characters “长乐”. All together "唯吾知足长乐" is a phrase and make sense, "I am a man who is contented and will be happy."

Hopefully, that will amuse you and inspired us to develop more puzzles from letters or characters.

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