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[WSS22] Fractional Knapsack model for project allocation problem

POSTED BY: David Daniel
4 Replies

Thanks alot to Swastik Banerjee who supported and guided me through the rough edges of this project work. He was such a calm, brilliant, and understanding TA, he was never tired of my numerous questions and consistent code error. His ideas were so natural, and comprehension of Mathematica language is so inspiring. Thank you once more, Swastik Banerjee. And will also want to appreciate Bradley Klee whom through his ongoing research plan, I was able to come up with this topic and sort a solution to project allocation at the Lagos district. Thank you.

POSTED BY: David Daniel

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POSTED BY: David Daniel

There's an ancient Rulial story about a statue two vast and trunkless legs of stone, the Lagos district of the crumbled empire, your article @David Daniel was like hitching a ride on the spacecraft.

benefits = {7, 9, 5, 8, 6, 5};
weights = {3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2};
vars = Table[Subscript[x, s], {s, 6}];
obj = benefits . vars;
constr1 = weights . vars <= 10;
constr2 = Subscript[x, 1] + Subscript[x, 2] <= 1;
constr3 = Subscript[x, 1] + Subscript[x, 6] <= 1;
constr4 = Subscript[x, 2] + Subscript[x, 3] <= 1;
constr5 = Subscript[x, 3] + Subscript[x, 4] <= 1;
constr6 = Subscript[x, 3] + Subscript[x, 6] <= 1;
constr7 = Subscript[x, 4] + Subscript[x, 5] <= 1;
constr8 = Subscript[x, 5] + Subscript[x, 6] <= 1;
intervals = Thread[0 <= vars <= 1];
{val, point} = 
 Maximize[{obj, constr1, constr2, constr3, constr4, constr5, constr6, 
   constr7, constr8, intervals}, vars, Integers]
benefitsValues = benefits*Values[point];
 ChartLabels -> 
  Table[Labeled["x" <> ToString[i], benefitsValues[[i]]], {i, 

And I was crying when I heard about the Ruliad because it's just phenomenal like this beautiful graph that we have here solving the Project Allocation Problem (PAP) using the Fractional Knapsack model.


The objective is to maximize the benefit of a set of six projects, and we can do more.

Benefits Dot Values

edges = {Labeled[1 -> 2, "x[1]=0"],
   Labeled[1 -> 3, "x[1]=1"],
   Labeled[2 -> 4, "x[2]=0"],
   Labeled[2 -> 5, "x[2]=1"],
   Labeled[5 -> 6, "x[3]=0"],
   Labeled[5 -> 7, "x[3]=1"],
   Labeled[7 -> 8, "x[4]=0"],
   Labeled[7 -> 9, "x[4]=1"],
   Labeled[9 -> 10, "x[5]=0"],
   Labeled[9 -> 11, "x[5]=1"],
   Labeled[10 -> 12, "x[6]=0"],
   Labeled[10 -> 13, "x[6]=1"]};
 GraphLayout -> "LayeredEmbedding",
 VertexLabels -> Placed["Name", After],
 VertexSize -> 0.1,
 VertexLabelStyle -> 
  Directive[FontFamily -> "Alegreya SC", Bold, 16],
 EdgeLabelStyle -> 
  Directive[FontFamily -> "Courier", Bold, 14, Darker[Blue]]

And what do you say about the greedy algorithm? Even if we do its bidding, it's amazing because we can make optimal project selections.


Thank you @David Daniel for publishing this version. It's like the way that something would be written today, the cultural difference, that something was put here on purpose, the 0-1 Knapsack problem, a variation of the knapsack problem where each item can be included only once or not at all. We're keeping within the knapsack's capacity so it doesn't weigh that much but it has so many benefits and values.

  profits_] := {weights, profits}[[All, 
   Ordering[N[profits/weights], All, Greater]]]
FractionalKnapsack[noOfObjects_, weightsAndprofits_, capacityOfbag_] :=
  Module[{x, tp, i, u, weight, profit}, {weight, profit} = 
   SortByRatio @@ Transpose[weightsAndprofits];
  x = ConstantArray[0.0, noOfObjects]; tp = 0; u = capacityOfbag;
  For[i = 1, i <= noOfObjects && weight[[i]] <= u, i++, x[[i]] = 1.0;
   tp += profit[[i]]; u -= weight[[i]]];
  If[i <= noOfObjects, x[[i]] = u/weight[[i]];
   tp += x[[i]]*profit[[i]]];
  Labeled[BarChart[x, ChartStyle -> 24], 
   Style["Your Maximum Profit is " <> ToString[N@tp]]]]
weightsAndProfits = 
  Transpose[{RandomInteger[{1, 20}, numItems = 20], 
    RandomInteger[{5, 50}, numItems = 20]}];
FractionalKnapsack[numItems, weightsAndProfits, capacity = 50]

@David Daniel the "problem" of indiscriminate allocation of projects by decision-makers, well, it turns out that this graph is actually a beautiful graph for one day, and guess what? The cards are down, and the [WSS22] Fractional Knapsack model for project allocation problem is the physical embodiment of these cards in that the proposed Fractional Knapsack model is completed with efficiency and we can see each aspect of the allocated budget.

FractionalKnapsack Bar Chart

The algorithm can be applied to project management problems and we should eagerly be supportive of its inundation, because any amount can guide us through this project like we can @David Daniel with this fantastic adoption of the Fractional Knapsack Algorithm.

POSTED BY: Dean Gladish
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