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how to define multivariable functions and get plots along one argument

f[w,x,y,z]:= w((x-50000)/y)^(z-1)(E^((50000-x)/y))/(yGamma[z])

  • this is my function. I want to plot this function versus x for different values of w,y,z. How do i achieve this in mathematica? i want all the plots in one graph... Can anyone help me out?
4 Replies
POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

I meant, i want to plot f versus x for different values of w,y,z. I just wanted to make my job simple. For example, i have f[x]= a(b-100)/c x. This is a function of x but for different values of a b and c i want to plot it...i think my question was not clear in the beginning...Now can anyone help me??

fyi, a function in Mathematica is defined using _ as in f[w_,x_,y_,z_]:=. btw, your functions always seem to generate very large values: N@f[1, 1, 1, 1] gives 1.9489499245*10^21714 which is really a large number. Is there a way you can normalize your function first?

POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
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