Vitaly, I will follow on with another questions. Some of the functions that I am writing as part of my activity are very much like Mathematica's built in functions, and perhaps (if I can be a bit self promoting) should be in Mathematica at some point as standard functions (well, of course, other than name and basic functionality Wolfram folks will make them much fancier). Is there another venue for the building and testing these functions? Or do you still think that it is better to open this to the community and find folks who will be interested in them? If I post a notebook with these functions, and their use, would the serious Wolfram folks be able to view them (and how do I reach them) and provide input on how I can improve them? What if Wolfram is also developing such functions could there be a conflict in naming? (I did see one of themes that I use in solution of PDE's example, but when I search for the name there is no explanation anywhere under Wolfram.