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Mapping Crime Statistics in St. Louis

Posted 11 years ago

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
6 Replies

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Hi, This a great example. I tried to copy this example on my own data. It works fine. The only issue I've is that there is not a kind of refresh of the image after each day. So, when a bullit is highlited, it stays highlited even that specific object it's not active on that day. Who has a solution for this issue? Thanks Michiel

POSTED BY: Michiel van Mens

This is great! I shared this exercise with my students taking a course on statistics and they grasped pretty well the value of linked data. Thanks J. Rico

Posted 11 years ago

I added date filed to data:

data = data[[All, {1, 3, 9, 11, 19, 20}]];

and create sorted subdata:

dataset =  dataset[All,  Append[##,  "GeoPosition" -> (GeoPosition[GeoGridPosition[{Quantity[#XCoord, "Feet"], Quantity[#YCoord, "Feet"]}, projection]])] &]

subdata =   dataset[SortBy[#DateOccur &], {"DateOccur", "Description",  "GeoPosition"}];

By crime type:

desc = Normal[subdata[All, "Description"] // Union];

 GeoGraphics[{Red, Opacity[.4], AbsolutePointSize[5], Point[#]} & /@ 
   Normal[subdata[Select[description === #Description &]][All, 
  GeoRange -> {{38.5355, 38.7697}, {-90.3991, -90.1004}}, 
  ImageSize -> Large], {description, desc}]

By time stamp:

 GeoGraphics[{{Red, Opacity[.4], AbsolutePointSize[5], Point[#]} & /@ 
    Normal[subdata[1 ;; time, "GeoPosition"]]}, ImageSize -> Large, 
  GeoRange -> {{38.5355, 38.7697}, {-90.3991, -90.1004}}], {time, 1, 
  Length[subdata], 1}]
POSTED BY: Jaebum Jung

This an animated GIF made from Jaebum's Manipulate code:

imgs = Table[
   GeoGraphics[{{Red, Opacity[.4], AbsolutePointSize[5], Point[#]} & /@
       Normal[subdata[1 ;; time, "GeoPosition"]]}, ImageSize -> Large,
     GeoRange -> {{38.5355, 38.7697}, {-90.3991, -90.1004}}], {time, 
    1, Length[subdata], 100}];

Export["test.gif", imgs, ImageSize -> 400]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Good stuff. Would be interesting to break this down by type of crime and then create a Manipulate that let you select the crime type. Also, I note there's a time stamp on the crime in the original data. If the time stamp could be parsed, there might be a useful Numb3ersish animation lurking here.

POSTED BY: Seth Chandler
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