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Ollama LLM based AI assistant for email processing

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
5 Replies

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The OllamaSynthesizeSynchronous function can now be found here (renamed to OllamaSynthesize):

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
Posted 2 days ago

Very nice and practical use of the Wolfram tech stack! Do you want to keep all those external emails and only tag them though? I assume it would be helpful if the Mail Process Assistant can discard some so you can get rid of them by having a "discard" tag or something like that? I understand you don't want to have any false positive, but that goal may be achieved by prompting the LLM to be as cautious as possible for using the "discard" tag.

POSTED BY: Arash Mahdian

Thanks! Yes, you can also delete emails with MailExecute.

This page lists all the possible actions:

I think I am not quite comfortable trusting an AI to delete emails yet, but in principle you can do this, among other things.

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
Posted 2 days ago

Sure, but what I meant was not to have the agent delete the emails, but for the agent to tag some emails as "discard" to indicate that they are most likely emails that you would not be interested to keep so that you can delete them yourself. Of course, that requires a different prompt. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough.

POSTED BY: Arash Mahdian
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