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How would I set the Mathematica Path in Workbench 3?

Posted 11 years ago

I started an Application Project in Workbench 3.0. When I double-click the default nb file, Mathematica 9 started. I have Mathematica 9 and 10 on my box.

In Workbench 2.0, there was a path setting to the Mathematica Application. Has this been removed in Workbench 3?

POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey
14 Replies
Posted 11 years ago

I wasn't aware WB3 even existed. I have premier service and this is the first I have heard of it.

POSTED BY: Jon Rogers

To set the path to Mathematica in Workbench 3:

  1. Right click the project in the Navigator and click the "Run As | Run Configurations..." item of the context menu.
  2. Click your project in the left-hand pane of the "Create, manage, and run configurations" dialog.
  3. Click the "Wolfram Engine Installation" tab.
  4. Click the "Manage Installations..." button.
  5. Click the "Edit..." button to modify the path used for Mathematica.
  6. Click the "Browse..." button to set the path to the Mathematica installation you wish to use.
  7. Click the "Apply" button. Click the "OK" button.
  8. Close the "Run Configurations" dialog.
  9. Save any outstanding changes to the currently open project.
  10. Click File | Restart.
POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey

Hi Jon - Wolfram had kindly sent me a link to download and try Workbench 3. The main updates are:

Wolfram Cloud Integration - This version has functionality that allows you to work with either a local Mathematica or the Wolfram Cloud (there is a new perspective "Wolfram Language Development").

Editor Improvements Improvements to completion - Camel case and case insensitive completion.

Unit test support improvements that directly support Mathematica 10 Unit Testing

Using version 3.9 of Eclipse editor

There are some differences but overall this looks very good.

POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey

Easier to just select "Preferences" from the Wolfram Workbench menu (on OS X, at least), and select "Wolfram" from the list. My installation selected Mathematica 10 by default. (I also have version 9.0.1 installed).

Hi George,

Thanks very much! In the Windows version:

  1. Select the "Preferences" item of the "Windows" menu.
  2. Click the "Wolfram" item,
  3. Click "Edit" on the Wolfram Engine Installations and browse to the installation of Mathematica to use.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Save any outstanding changes to the currently open project.
  6. Clcik File | Restart.
POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey
Posted 10 years ago

Hi Doug,

When is Workbench 3 going to be released to the user community? Thank you,


POSTED BY: Fulvio Spagna

The "Workbench 3" being talked about is a special-case, limited-release, pre-prerelease version that fixes a serious problem connecting Mathematica 10 and Workbench 2.

If your Workbench mostly works with your Mathematica, this "Workbench 3" is not relevant for you.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

Just a quick note - I have been using the pre-release Workbench 3 and Mathematica 10 on a project at work. While this is pre-release and has some issues, I am using it productively on a daily basis.

One goal of this project is to evaluate the possibility of using Mathematica and The Wolfram language as an application development language. The presence of Workbench should not be underestimated. Workbench definitely contributes a plus to the evaluation - especially when evaluation is done by software developers.

The fact that Workbench 3 can still be used with straight Mathematica and does not require a Cloud connection is extremely important. We are often tasked with safeguarding and securing data for our clients that contain personal and health related information, IP and other sensitive material. To mitigate the risk and liability of a data breach, solutions must pass a very specific set of STIGs. A solution that does not meet these STIGs is deemed too risky.

POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey

Good to know that Workbench 3 is usable.

I agree with your statements that Workbench is an important component of Software development, and I am concerned that the tool is not being supported for those outside Wolfram research as it should be. I hope that changes with the release of version 3. My standard for support of an IDE, as well as training, is Apple's support of XCode.

I also agree that not requiring a Cloud connection is a good thing. When I first heard about Mathematica on-line, I thought it would turn out to be essentially an alternative to CDF player as a means for letting people without Mathematica on their desktops run Wolfram Language programs. The current business model is not inexpensive enough for the casual user to be of use in this application. This, of course, is a separate issue from the one you raise. I worked in the medical field for some time, where privacy is a big issue, and knowing where the data was at all times is critical. It would be useful if Mathematica could give a visual clue when it was accessing the cloud, for tasks such as getting packet updates as well as getting data. I can envision an environment where an application would have to run without internet access at all, except for well-defined tasks, such as software updates. It is difficult to design a system with these constraints without explicit indication of when Mathematica is accessing the Cloud.

Really could not agree more. It will become more and more necessary to have tools that can audit use of Clouds by applications.

During one of our evaluations of a Cloud service, a Cloud vendor actually told me "control is not security". To someone who is personally responsible for the security of sensitive or personal data, an absence of control is not a terribly compelling argument.

There is a tremendous need for real visibility and control of where data goes. This is contrary to many of the principles of Cloud computing.

In the near term the only solution is an ability to host Cloud server products internally and have auditable products reviewed against real security requirements on a regular basis. The cost of installing and managing such a solution internally is certainly much higher than subscribing to a Cloud service. But the very real risk of passing sensitive data through outside data centers is much too great - even with encryption and other measures.

I think it is completely safe to say that Clouds offer a great deal of convenience at the cost of a great deal of security. Cloud security is really almost completely in the hands of the subscribers.

POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey
Posted 10 years ago

When is expect the release of the Wolfram Workbench 3? Currently I'm using the Mathematica 10.0.1 and have Premier Service Plus (with Mathematica Online).

POSTED BY: Luis Mendes

I got a response from Wolfram Support, and they indicated that it would be early 2015.

If you have issues, you might contact Wolfram support directly and see if they will send you something.

Posted 3 years ago

While setting up my new MacBookPro with Mathematica, Workbench and Eclipse, I installed Workbench 3.

Unfortunately, I get jlink errors when trying to unit test or open a Notebook from Workbench.

I've already opened a support ticket, but it is Christmas, so I realize I need to be patient.

Is anyone else using Workbench 3 now?


POSTED BY: Mike Besso
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