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13 Years of Crime in Chicago in 1 minute

Posted 10 years ago

Click here for final result of 13 years of crime in Chicago compressed into a 1 minute animation

In a previous post I showed how to map crime data for the month of July for the City of St. Louis. In this post, I will show how to map and animate similar crime statistics for a larger city over a time span of 13 years. The city of Chicago keeps an excellent public record of all crimes committed within its boundaries. Its data access portal is fully searchable online and allows for easy download. This data access portal compares very favorably to the St. Louis crime statistics data portal which is much more dated: Download of statistics by month only, data only available for one year back, and data in a geolocation format that uses a somewhat obscure state plane coordinate system instead of simple latitude/longitude notation. It would be good if the City of St. Louis adopted the approach taken by the City of Chicago.

The first step in creating this crime animation was to download the full data set. I opted for the CSV format option, which yielded a 1.4GB data file containing all the necessary data (about 5,500,000 crimes). This imports the raw data and selects the rows containing valid dates, locations and crime types (total computation time about 288 seconds):

csv = Import["C:\\Users\\arnoudb.WRI\\Downloads\\Crimes_-_2001_to_present.csv"];

To speed up processing of parsing of date strings into date objects, I wrote a small utility function:

  {mon,day,yr,hr,min,sec,ampm}=StringSplit[date,{"/"," ",":"}];

This maps the raw csv data into a usable data set for geographical mapping (about 1680 seconds):

data = Map[{dateParse[#[[1]]], #[[2]], GeoPosition[{#[[3]], #[[4]]}]} &, csv];
data = Reverse[data];

Next, we create a base geographical map for Chicago on top of which we will plot the crime data:

baseMap=GeoGraphics[{{Opacity[0.5], Polygon[Entity["City", {"Chicago", "Illinois", "UnitedStates"}]]}}, 
  GeoRange -> Entity["City", {"Chicago", "Illinois", "UnitedStates"}], ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

Then, we create a mapping function to map one frame of the animation. Here, index refers to the animation frame index and start and end refer to the start and end point of the data being mapped. Data points nearest to end (the most recent ones) are colored with red, fading to black for the

map[index_, start_, end_] := Export[
  StringJoin["c:\\users\\arnoudb.wri\\chicago\\frames\\crime-", IntegerString[index, 10, 4], ".png"], 
    GeoGraphics[MapIndexed[{RGBColor[N[1.0-First[#2]/(end-start)],0,0], AbsolutePointSize[4], Opacity[0.1],Point[Last[#1]]}&,data[[start ;; end]]], 
    GeoRange -> Entity["City", {"Chicago", "Illinois", "UnitedStates"}], 
    ImageSize -> Large,GeoBackground->None]}]]

Now we're ready to generate the movie frames. We will generate a 1 minute movie, which equates to 1,500 frames (with a frame rate of 25fps). We have 5,568,545 crime data points and each frame will contain about 18,000 of them total with 3,700 new data points in each frame (which slowly fade from red to black):

Table[ map[i, Round[5568545 (i/1500)], Round[5568545 ((i + 5)/1500)]], {i,1, 1500 - 5}]

The total running time for this evaluation is about 22,000 seconds (about 6 hours). Using an external tool ffmpeg we can then collate these image into a MP4 movie:

c:/Test/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe -i crime-%04d.png -crf 15 -s 1280x720 movie.mp4

The final result can be viewed here:

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
3 Replies

Here is another way to visualize the data. We can look at density of crime over several month. We use the same code to import:

csv = Import["Crimes_-_2001_to_present.csv"];
csv = Select[csv[[2 ;; -1, {3, 6, -3, -2}]], And[#[[3]] != "", #[[4]] != ""] &];

But get only coordinates for data:

data = Reverse /@ csv[[All, -2 ;; -1]];

This is first 10^5 points (about 4 months)

SmoothDensityHistogram[data[[1 ;; 100000]], 
 PlotRange -> {{-87.85, -87.50}, {41.60, 42.05}}, 
 AspectRatio -> 1.2857142857142945, Frame -> False, 
 PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> 400, 
 ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]

enter image description here

where SmoothDensityHistogram uses SmoothKernelDistribution internally to derive the density distribution. AspectRatio is computed as

Divide @@ Flatten[Differences /@ {{41.60, 42.05}, {-87.85, -87.50}}]

Static Overlay part:

pl2 = GeoGraphics[GeoRange -> {{41.60, 42.05}, {-87.85, -87.50}}, 
  AspectRatio -> 1.2857142857142945, ImageSize -> 400];

so we can now run through 13 years at 4 months increments:

frms = Table[
      SmoothDensityHistogram[data[[k ;; k + 10^5]], 
       PlotRange -> {{-87.85, -87.50}, {41.60, 42.05}}, 
       AspectRatio -> 1.2857142857142945, Frame -> False, 
       PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> 400, 
       ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap", Mesh -> 20], Rasterize@pl2], 
{k, 1, 5 10^6 - 10^5, 10^5}];

Export["test.gif", frms]

enter image description here

...or without Mesh -> 20 option to SmoothDensityHistogram

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Arnoud Buzing:

These two post on crime statistics are great. Great intro of what kinds of quick projects Mathematica/Wolfram Language can get up and running. No complicated GIS server to setup, if the data is sensitive do not have to share with Google maps. However, the St Louis data goes back to January 2008. In the .shtml page is an IFRAME whose source is, that is the table of reports. There are 5 pages of data. Either way it is not easy to get each of the csv files due to their site design [not true anchors, but aspx post-back that returns the stream]. Please keep these coming. So one can now compare at least the same 6 year span of crime reports of St. Louis vs Chicago.

POSTED BY: Hans Michel

Arnoud, Another amazing example! Thank you for sharing this.

I'm wondering why you didn't export within mathematica to .avi or .mov, but instead did the animation outside of mathematica?

Also, I think I perceive perioidicity to the data. To see if it is periodic, perhaps It would be interesting to tie


to the sun's position (not real code, but suggestive of purpose)

1-AstronomicalData["Sun", {"Altitude", (*slot for date*)}, TimeZone -> -6]/(360(start-end)),
1-AstronomicalData["Sun", {"Azimuth", (*slot for date*)}, TimeZone -> -6]/(360(start-end))

giving a visual representation of how Chicago might allocate its police force throughout the day and seasons.

POSTED BY: W. Craig Carter
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