I am trying to produce a GeoGraphic showing the horizon view from a rocket at the edge of space. On top of the horizon I am trying to overlay the outline of state and province boundaries to provide some reference.
The horizon view I am looking for is a circular shaped relief map of the visible horizon. Using the following code I am able to produce the horizon view I am looking for except it is missing the state boundaries:
horizon = GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["ReliefMap"], EdgeForm[Black],
GeoVisibleRegion[{44.0519, -123.0867, Quantity[100, "Kilometers"]}]},
GeoBackground -> None]
I am able to produce the outline of the state boundaries I desire and my horizon view, but I am unable to remove, or cut away, the unnecessary geography with this code:
states={I am using the administrative entity value for the western states};
{GeoStyling["ReliefMap"], EdgeForm[Black], Polygon[states],
GeoVisibleRegionBoundary[{44.0519, -123.0867,
Quantity[100, "Kilometers"]}]}]
An altternate attempt:
GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["ReliefMap"], EdgeForm[Black],
GeoVisibleRegion[{44.0519, -123.0867, Quantity[100, "Kilometers"]}],
EdgeForm[Black], Polygon[states] }, GeoBackground -> None ]
Any suggestions?