Sorry, I forgot to format the code. Here's the corrected post..
a := 3
b := 2
c := 3
rest := x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2
f[x_, y_] := Re [c*(1 - rest )^0.5]
g[x_, y_] := If[f [x, y] < 0, 0, f[x, y]]
Plot3D[g[x, y], {x, 4, -4}, {y, 4, -4},
SphericalRegion -> True,
Mesh -> None,
Plot Style -> Texture[{"kah320x480"}],
Lighting -> "Neutral"]
error listing:
lot3D::nonopt: Options expected (instead of Plot Style->Texture[{kah320x480 }]) beyond position 3 in Plot3D[g[x,y],{x,4,-4},{y,4,-4},SphericalRegion->True,Mesh->None,Plot Style->Texture[{kah320x480 }],Lighting->Neutral "]. An option must be a rule or a list of rules. \!\(\*ButtonBox[\">>\",
Appearance->{Automatic, None},
I read the tutorial on how to import .jpegs. However, those instructions didn't have any information on where to initially put the .jpeg in my file system, in order to import it, or where it went after it was imported, or how to get it mapped to the surface. The Texture function docs didn't have any examples of how to apply a texture on a Plot3D.