Consider a not-styled graph:
g = RandomGraph[BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution[100, 1]]
Change all vertex sizes relatively to plot diagonal
SetProperty[g, VertexSize -> {"Scaled", .02}]
Change single vertex color and size relatively to plot diagonal
SetProperty[g, {VertexSize -> {10 -> {"Scaled", .04}}, VertexStyle -> {10 -> Red}}]
Now consider styled graph
h = RandomGraph[BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution[100, 1], GraphStyle -> "LargeNetwork"]
Change single vertex size relatively to plot diagonal
SetProperty[h, {VertexShapeFunction -> {10 -> "Circle"}, VertexSize -> {10 -> {"Scaled", .04}}}]
Use another method and add color
SetProperty[h, VertexStyle -> {10 -> {Red, PointSize[.04]}}]