Here is an improved version of timeline showing the map and territories of the eclipses too. This image shows spectacular powers of computational infographics. We see right away that a spectacular total solar eclipse will span US from coast to coast on August 21, 2017 (se a related discussion below). We also see that Argentina and Chile will get lucky getting the eclipse twice in a row. Most subtly and curiously, the recent solar eclipse is unique in the sense that it covers almost completely two territories: Faroe Islands and Svalbard. This means any inhabitant of these territories can see the total eclipse from any geo-location, cloudiness permitting. Usually it is quite the opposite, the observational area of a total eclipse is much smaller than the territory area it spans and most of the inhabitants would have to travel to observe their total eclipse (fortunately no visas needed).

times, polys, eclcou,
inter = {DateObject[{2015, 1, 1}], DateObject[{2021, 1, 1}], All}},
times =
SolarEclipse[inter, "MaximumEclipseDate", EclipseType -> "Total"];
polys =
SolarEclipse[inter, "TotalPhasePolygon", EclipseType -> "Total"];
eclcou = GeoEntities[#, "Country"] & /@ polys;
TimelinePlot[Association[Thread[Column /@ eclcou -> times]],
DateTicksFormat -> {"Day", ".", "MonthNameShort", ".",
Ticks -> {times}, Background -> GrayLevel[.9],
PlotTheme -> "Web", AspectRatio -> 1/3],
Opacity[.7], Red, polys,
Green, Opacity[.25], EdgeForm[{Black, Opacity[.2]}],
Polygon /@ GeoEntities[polys, "Country"]},
GeoProjection -> "Equirectangular", GeoRange -> All]
}, Spacings -> 0]