here is something to start with:
img = Import["~/Desktop/marker00.jpg"]

First we need a grid. If the boxes are more or less in the same position then we can create a template grid; I used the GetCoordinates tool:
coords = {{80.5`, 321.5`}, {78.5`, 260.0}, {79.5`, 182.5`}, {78.5`, 115.5`}, {80.5`, 51.5`}, {145.5`, 322.5`}, {214.5`, 322.5`}, {281.5`, 322.5`}, {350.5`, 324.5`}, {424.5`, 323.5`}};
Show[img, Graphics[Point /@ coords]]

The dots mark my coordinates. This gives me a coordinate grid:
Graphics@Line[{{Min[coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 1]]], #[[2]]}, {Max[
coords[[6 ;;]][[All, 1]]], #[[2]]}}] & /@ coords[[1 ;; 5]],
Graphics@Line[{{#, Min[coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 2]]]}, {#,
Max[coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 2]]]}}] & /@
Join[{Min[coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 1]]]}, coords[[6 ;;]][[All, 1]]]]

I can extract the relevant coordinate for the x- and y-axes:
xaxis = Reverse@Join[{Min[coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 1]]]}, coords[[6 ;;]][[All, 1]]];
yaxis = Reverse@coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 2]];
which I can then use to cut the respective fields out. To get a clearer representation I plot them in a grid:
ImageTrim[img, #] & /@
Table[{{xaxis[[i + 1]], yaxis[[j + 1]]}, {xaxis[[i]],
yaxis[[j]]}}, {j, 1, Length[yaxis] - 1}, {i, 1,
Length[xaxis] - 1}], 1], {4, 5}], Frame -> All]

Next, we binaries:
Binarize /@ (ImageTrim[img, #] & /@
Table[{{xaxis[[i + 1]], yaxis[[j + 1]]}, {xaxis[[i]],
yaxis[[j]]}}, {j, 1, Length[yaxis] - 1}, {i, 1,
Length[xaxis] - 1}], 1]), {4, 5}], Frame -> All]
and count the pixels:
graydata =
ColorNegate@#]]] & /@ (Binarize /@ (ImageTrim[img, #] & /@
Table[{{xaxis[[i + 1]], yaxis[[j + 1]]}, {xaxis[[i]],
yaxis[[j]]}}, {j, 1, Length[yaxis] - 1}, {i, 1,
Length[xaxis] - 1}], 1])), {4, 5}];
We can plot this to check:
graydata // ArrayPlot

There are obviously two clusters:
clusts = FindClusters[Flatten[graydata], 2];
Which we can use to attach a "1" to "ticked" and a "0" to "unticked".
Flatten[Table[# -> 2. - i & /@ SortBy[clusts, Total][[i]], {i, 1, 2}]]
That gives us the matrix we want:
Grid[graydata /. Flatten[Table[# -> 2. - i & /@ SortBy[clusts, Total][[i]], {i, 1, 2}]], Frame -> All]

Note, that this describes the train of thought. We can wrap everything up into this nice and easily readable function:
tickedBoxes[img_Image] :=
coords = {{80.5`, 321.5`}, {78.5`, 260.0}, {79.5`, 182.5`}, {78.5`,
115.5`}, {80.5`, 51.5`}, {145.5`, 322.5`}, {214.5`,
322.5`}, {281.5`, 322.5`}, {350.5`, 324.5`}, {424.5`, 323.5`}};
yaxis = Reverse@coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 2]];
xaxis = Reverse@Join[{Min[coords[[1 ;; 5]][[All, 1]]]}, coords[[6 ;;]][[All, 1]]];
graydata = ArrayReshape[Total[Flatten[ImageData[ColorNegate@#]]] & /@ (Binarize /@ (ImageTrim[img, #] & /@
Reverse@Flatten[Table[{{xaxis[[i + 1]], yaxis[[j + 1]]}, {xaxis[[i]], yaxis[[j]]}}, {j, 1, Length[yaxis] - 1}, {i, 1, Length[xaxis] - 1}], 1])),{4, 5}];
clusts = FindClusters[Flatten[graydata], 2];
graydata /. Flatten[Table[# -> 2. - i & /@ SortBy[clusts, Total][[i]], {i, 1, 2}]]]
If you throw your image in it should work:
(*{{0., 1., 0., 0., 0.}, {0., 0., 1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0., 0., 0.}, {0., 0., 0., 1., 0.}}*)
There is a lot we can improve, but it should be a starting point.