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Dzhanibekov effect or tennis racket theorem

Animation showing movement of a rigid body according to Dzhanibekov effect or tennis racket theorem

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
20 Replies

Finally I have a tentative version of the demonstration based on explicit solution

Dzhanibekov Effect:

Excerpt on youtube:

Would appreciate comments and suggestions how to improve.


The demonstration was published:

enter image description here - another post of yours has been selected for the Staff Picks group, congratulations !

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Very cool. I was trying to recall the name of that effect for some time now. Here's another nice video of it in space:


I have rewritten your program. Fixed the sign in Euler's equations, fixed the rendering of Euler angles, changed the geometry - we have three pairs of masses now, make it interactive, added drawing of the change in orientation. Probably it still have bugs.

Perhaps we can improve it, I think it can be a made into a nice Wolfram's demonstration.

enter image description here


This is really nice, @Arkadiusz Jadczyk! One demonstration already came out of this:

The Intermediate Axis Theorem Applied to a Ping-Pong Paddle Flip-Over

but I think your should try sending this to Demonstrations team to see if they consider it different enough to publish.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Privet Vitaliy, I am going to change my demonstration using explicit solution formula with Jacobi elliptic functions nad quaternions. That may be new.

Very interesting. Did you find those with Mathematica or have some source like an article?

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

One good article is by Cushman, "No polar coordinates"[1]

Hi Mariusz,

In your code you assume Ix=1, Iy=5, Iz=15

Assuming the shape as in your file, assuming density constant =1, we have

Ix = Int(y^2+z^2) = y2+z2

Iy = Int(x^2+z^2)=x2+z2

Iz = Int (x^2+y^2)=x2+y2

Where the integration is over the body, and I denoted x2,y2,z2 the corresponding integrals. From your conditions we should have



Eliminating x2 we get 9y2+11z2=0, which is clearly impossible since y2>0,z2>0. Can you make a realistic model?

Yes, a little messed up moments of inertia, but corrected the "code". I also did simulations in Blender 3D. The results are similar, so as correct. :)

Ps: Change the file extension "Tennis Racet.nb" to "Tennis Racet.blend" . To run the simulation in Blender 3D, press on the keyboard "Alt + A".

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk

In the original model ihave changed the values Ix,Iy,Iz to realistic

  Ix = 5.666666666666667`;
   Iy = 33.666666666666664`;
   Iz = 38.666666666666664`;

Then there is a strange phenomenon - After restart colors Green and Blue change a while before the flip, like in precognition. I do not understand what is the reason? I am not sure if this effect is reproducible.

This strange phenomenon is associated only with animation,because is looped .

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 10 years ago

Hello Mariusz I looked at your code and at the moments of inertia in your example... It is because in your specific case, the intermediate axis (due to the geometry and position of the centroid) the intermediate axis is the one parallel with the blade (the psi axis). And it does not give such a nice and smooth ride?? enter image description here

The angular speed plot on the left is from the paddle in my previous reply, the plot to the right is from your paddle You can see that in my case, the unstable rotation is around the theta axis (yellow curve), whereas in your case, the unstable rotation is around the psi axis (green curve) BTW, it is not recommended to use subscripted variables in Mathematica code. It sometimes gives problems. Thanks for yr interest in this case!

POSTED BY: Erik Mahieu
Posted 10 years ago

I am aware of this video and indeed, the axis parallel to the paddle blade could also be an intermediate axis for some geometries or materials used in the paddle. In my example, I consider the paddle to be made of homogenous material of density 1 and with arbitrary dimensions that may not be realistic compared to real world ping pong equipment. In my example, the axes are crossing at the centroid: the intermediate axis is the phi axis perpendicular to the blade; in the video example it is more than likely the psi axis, parallel to the blade? Both are possible depending on the location of the centroid ( geometry, density distribution, etc...) You can see that the the two largest moments are very close compared to the minimum moment of inertia.enter image description here

POSTED BY: Erik Mahieu
POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Erik Mahieu

Cool but,you did little mistake, you must rotate the Racket about 90 degrees with respect to the axis X.On this video see effect.

enter image description here

See atchment file they will help you.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk

I found on this site many dynamic simulation of physics.One of them is

  1. Rotation stability of 3D cube. Cube is stable when spinning around either the major or the minor principal axes. This demo illustrates this by solving Euler equations of motion in 3D for zero torque. Select the spin axes, then click on perturbe to see the e?ect.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk

This is great, thanks for sharing! This can make a nice Demonstration. I am curious if this is also easy in SystemModeler.

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
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