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Equations solving problem with NSolve

Posted 10 years ago

Equations solving problem with NSolve

POSTED BY: Kashif Nazar
3 Replies

I was just showing that your 2 equations were not solvable

POSTED BY: Kay Herbert

Equations solving problem with NSolve

POSTED BY: Kashif Nazar

Your two equations aren't linearly independent! Also you probably want to solve complex problem or you have 2 equations and 4 unknowns (re and im parts of b and c)

In[189]:= eq1a = (-0.6715589548470183` + 
     0.7409511253549592` I)/(0.7409511253549592` + 
     0.6715589548470183` I - b) + (-0.6715589548470183` + 
     0.7409511253549592` I)/(0.7409511253549592` + 
     0.6715589548470183` I - c)

Out[189]= -((0.671559 - 0.740951 I)/((0.740951 + 0.671559 I) - b)) - (
 0.671559 - 0.740951 I)/((0.740951 + 0.671559 I) - c)

In[190]:= eq1b = 
 Simplify[%*((0.7409511253549592` + 0.6715589548470183` I) - 
     b)*((0.7409511253549592` + 0.6715589548470183` I) - c)]

Out[190]= (-1.99037 + 
   0.196034 I) + (0.671559 - 0.740951 I) b + (0.671559 - 0.740951 I) c

In[191]:= eq2a = (-0.20146768645410548` - 
     0.22228533760648775` I)/(0.22228533760648775` - 
     0.20146768645410548` I - b) + (-0.20146768645410548` - 
     0.22228533760648775` I)/(0.22228533760648775` - 
     0.20146768645410548` I - c)

Out[191]= -((0.201468 + 0.222285 I)/((0.222285 - 0.201468 I) - b)) - (
 0.201468 + 0.222285 I)/((0.222285 - 0.201468 I) - c)

In[192]:= eq2b = 
 Simplify[%*((0.22228533760648775` - 0.20146768645410548` I) - 
     b)*((0.22228533760648775` - 0.20146768645410548` I) - c)]

Out[192]= (-0.179133 - 
   0.0176431 I) + (0.201468 + 0.222285 I) b + (0.201468 + 0.222285 I) c

In[193]:= eq1c = 
 Simplify[ComplexExpand[Im[eq1b], {b, c}]/0.7409511253549592`]

Out[193]= 0.264571 + 0.906347 Im[b] + 0.906347 Im[c] - 1. Re[b] - 
 1. Re[c]

In[194]:= eq2c = 
 Simplify[ComplexExpand[Im[eq2b], {b, c}]/0.22228533760648775`]

Out[194]= -0.0793713 + 0.906347 Im[b] + 0.906347 Im[c] + 1. Re[b] + 
 1. Re[c]
POSTED BY: Kay Herbert
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