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Community page loading slowness

Posted 9 years ago

Recently (or perhaps longer) the time it takes to initially load the Wolfram Community page at its base URL has become very slow. I time it as around 25 seconds on each of the three browsers on my OSX system from when I first enter the link to when the page turns from blank to containing the dashboard. This used to be the case in the early days of the community and then it sped up to the quick response that one sees in the Mathematica Stackexchange page. But recently it has become exceedingly slow. Is there a known reason for this? Bring back the old speedy page loading! ;-)

POSTED BY: David Reiss
14 Replies

We are currently in the process of refactoring the architecture of Community to speed up the site, which is a large task. Please note comparisons to Stack Exchange are as good as to any other forum or website, because the Community software is different from the Stack Exchange's one. We just implemented a small speed up update, - perhaps you will notice. One thing to be aware is that single post pages are loading quite fast:

enter image description here

while dashboard is slower and has delays of post-appearance. I hope members will bear with us, because we are developing many custom features for this forum specifically, and hope to have a great place for all of you in the future.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Hi Diego,

You probably mixed something up. For me it's 49/100 for community and 85/100 for mathematica.stackexchange on "Desktop". For "Mobile" it is 39/100 community compared to 73/100 stackexchange.

POSTED BY: Patrick Scheibe
Posted 9 years ago

PageSpeed Insights gives me an index of 50/100 for the community site vs 73/100 for

POSTED BY: Diego Zviovich

Dear @Patrick Scheibe, thank you for your feedback. We moved your post to this discussion so you can that the issues was raised before. We are trying our best to improve the site performance.

POSTED BY: Moderation Team
Posted 9 years ago

Patrick, This is similar to my experience in NW USA.

Best regards, David

POSTED BY: David Keith

I'm not sure whether someone else has similar problems, but the Community website is extremely slow for me. Here is a profile chart of Google Chrome

enter image description here

and as you can see, it takes about 16 seconds to a post or the dash-board. Before you are making assumptions about my internet connection, I'm pretty sure this is not the problem. I'm having ping times of under 10ms to e.g. google and other sites load in no time. So either my ISP is specifically slowing down the Wolfram Community website, or the problem must be something else.

I'm located in Germany. Are there other people having similar issues?

POSTED BY: Patrick Scheibe

Significan slowness still persists. This site generally is the slowest loading website that I use. For example, loads instantly.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

could you run those measurements again to benchmark?

Here they are: From same location, same PC. FF:

enter image description here


enter image description here

It is faster now!. The site I use to test performance is selected NY to test from (under settings).

POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi

Just counting out loud on OSX, for all three browsers (Safari, Chrome, and Firefox), it takes 8 seconds for the page to load and show. In contrast, is almost instantaneous.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

We have made some changes. @Nasser M. Abbasi could you run those measurements again to benchmark?

POSTED BY: Moderation Team

Dear all, thank you for your valuable feedback. We are making internal testing to resolve the slowness issues. Please bear with us, we hope to resolve this soon. Please note, individual posts should load quite fast. It is main page that has the delays. Thank you very much for your contributions!

POSTED BY: Moderation Team

In addition to this, I also still have this problem where posts show up long after they were actually posted. Sometimes I can see my own answers in a thread, but not on the dashboard. And just now I reloaded this thread and found Nasser's reply (which I didn't see before) - timestamped as "3 hours ago". I have no idea if these problems are related at all, just thought I'd mention it. (Firefox, Win10)

POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert

I also noticed this slow loading time. Chrome and FF on windows 7, 64 bit.

I just did a performance test on this site loading, using one of those sites that does these tests. This is the result on FF

enter image description here

And this is from Chrome.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
Posted 9 years ago

I experience the same time on Firefox on win 7.

POSTED BY: David Keith
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