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3D Graphics flickering in Mathematica 10.4

Posted 9 years ago

In Mathematica (and CDF Player) version 10.4, 3D Graphics can flicker when being rotated by dragging the mouse. Windows 7 and 10.

But in 10.3 the same graphics are stable during rotation.

This can be seen in the enclosed demonstration by Ed Pegg.

POSTED BY: Hans Milton
13 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Version 10.4.1 has fixed this. Flickering is gone.

POSTED BY: Hans Milton
Posted 9 years ago

There is a bug introduced in 10.4 on Windows version when ViewAngle is specified. I am expected that this issue will be fixed in the next release.

Posted 9 years ago

This issue also happens when specifying similar settings that specify the View parameters. I know that it also happens when specifying ViewPoint. There may be others, but I haven't looked at them all. I just wanted to make sure WRI fixes all the possible occurrences of the issue.


Arnold Buzing (from Wolfram) indicated that OpenGL was overhauled. [...].

Does this mean that we are going to get bump mapping and easy native shadows soon? Both would be just awesome!

POSTED BY: Pedro Fonseca
Posted 9 years ago

I can confirm this behavior on MMA 10.4 and Win 10. It occurs when inside of Manipulate and setting ViewAngle, ViewPoint, etc. in Graphics3D.

Posted 9 years ago

Not all 3D graphics flickers when rotated in 10.4. On Windows. What is common among those that do flicker?

It seems that two things, when combined, are the cause:

  • The graphics is the output of a Manipulate
  • The option ViewAngle is given a value

This flickers:

    Graphics3D[Cuboid[], ViewAngle -> 0.48],
    {dummy, {False, True}}

This do not:

    {dummy, {False, True}}

And neither do this:

Graphics3D[Cuboid[], ViewAngle -> 0.48]
POSTED BY: Hans Milton
POSTED BY: Kay Herbert
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Murray,

This might be a Windows related issue then. Or am I seeings things that are not really there? (Double checked Ed's demo just now. Yes, it does flicker. A lot).

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

Could you run dxdiag.exe and attach the generated output file?

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki
Posted 9 years ago


POSTED BY: Hans Milton

Thanks, one of the developers are investigating this.

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki

I'm not seeing any flickering when manually rotating the 3D image. This is on an iMac (27", Retina 5K, 4GHz Core i7, 32GB Ram, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB) running OS X El Capitan 10.11.3.

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
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