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Mathematica & Unity

Posted 9 years ago

Does anyone know if Mathematica can now be linked to unity? I would like to learn how to do this.

Any information on this subject (aside from the presentations of this capability) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

POSTED BY: Matthew Luther
3 Replies

Please see Is there a way to use Wolfram Language in Unity 3D?.

Please post your future comments there.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
Posted 9 years ago

Will it be released? Any workflows you could point me to would be great. I am learning Mathematica. A unity link would be great, I hope they release it. Any chance of getting an alpha? Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it greatly.

POSTED BY: Matthew Luther

Short Answer: No.

You've probably seen a video with someone who was working on a way to connect to Unity. This project isn't released.

There's certainly a lot of interesting things you can do though, but those involve exporting models or compiling code in ways that isn't exactly anything new.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

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