Hi All,
today is a special day as you can see (using a telescope) that Mercury is between the Earth and the Sun. Where is it now you are asking? Well it is right here:
ClearAll[InAUunits, Mercury]
InAUunits[dist_] := QuantityMagnitude[dist, "AstronomicalUnit"]
sd = InAUunits@StarData["Sun", "Diameter"];
md = InAUunits@PlanetData["Mercury", "Diameter"];
Mercury[date_] := Module[{p1, p2},
p1 = InAUunits@PlanetData["Mercury", EntityProperty["Planet", "HelioCoordinates", {"Date" -> date}]];
p2 = InAUunits@PlanetData["Earth", EntityProperty["Planet", "HelioCoordinates", {"Date" -> date}]];
Graphics3D[{Yellow, Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, sd], Black, Sphere[p1, md]}, Boxed -> False, ViewVector -> {p2, -p2}, ViewAngle -> 1.5*Degree, ImageSize -> 400, Lighting -> "Neutral"]

The transition can be visualized like this:
dates = DateRange[{2016, 05, 09, 8}, {2016, 05, 09, 23}, "Hour"];
out = Mercury /@ dates;
