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[GIF] Animating climate change through an annual window

Yesterday I posted a little piece of code to visualise the changing mean temperature of the earth. The animation tried to point out "how the temperature spirals out of control". In order to account for positive and negative deviations from the "standard" temperature, we needed to use a transformation from temperature difference to radius. This was non-linear and one might argue that lower temperatures are underrepresented.

Here is an alternative attempt.

enter image description here

I do not post it in the same thread as the last post, because the gif is quite large and adding more the original thread might make it very slow to load. In spite of that I only have uploaded a lower quality video with every second frame. You can download the full quality file from here. Here's the implementation of the new idea, which I have seen in a similar fashion somewhere online:

tempdata = Transpose[{Interpreter["Date"][#[[All, 1]]], #[[All, 2]]}] &@ 
Import["", "Data"];
frames2 = 
Table[ListLinePlot[#, PlotStyle -> Table[Opacity[0.7/(1 + Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]] - j)^2 + 0.3], {j, 1, Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]]}], PlotRange -> {{1, 12}, Evaluate[MinMax[tempdata[[All, 2]]] + {-0.1, 0.1}]}, 
Frame -> True, Background -> Black, FrameStyle -> Directive[White, Bold, 16], LabelStyle -> Directive[White, Bold, 16], ImageSize -> Large, 
ColorFunction -> (ColorData["Temperature"][2^(#2) - 0.5] &), ColorFunctionScaling -> False, FrameTicks -> {{True, None}, {Transpose@{Range[12], {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}}, None}}, FrameLabel -> {"Month", "\[CapitalDelta]T"}, 
ImagePadding -> 75, AspectRatio -> 1, Epilog -> {Text[Style[1849 + Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]], Red, 21], {2.5, 1.}]}] & @
Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]][[1 ;; Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]]]], {k, 1, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]] + 10}];

You an list animate it:


I exported the frames:

Monitor[Do[Export["~/Desktop/ClimateGraph/frame" <> ToString[1000 + k] <> ".jpg", frames2[[k]], ImageResolution -> 100], {k, 1, Length[frames2], 1}], k]

and use the terminal command:

convert -delay 15 -loop 0 frame*.jpg animatedfull.gif

to create the animation above.

If you prefer the curves a bit smoother you can use:

frames3 = 
Table[ListLinePlot[#, PlotStyle -> Table[Opacity[0.7/(1 + Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]] - j)^2 + 0.3], {j, 1, Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]]}], PlotRange -> {{1, 12}, Evaluate[MinMax[tempdata[[All, 2]]] + {-0.1, 0.1}]}, InterpolationOrder->2,
Frame -> True, Background -> Black, FrameStyle -> Directive[White, Bold, 16], LabelStyle -> Directive[White, Bold, 16], ImageSize -> Large, 
ColorFunction -> (ColorData["Temperature"][2^(#2) - 0.5] &), ColorFunctionScaling -> False, FrameTicks -> {{True, None}, {Transpose@{Range[12], {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}}, None}}, FrameLabel -> {"Month", "\[CapitalDelta]T"}, 
ImagePadding -> 75, AspectRatio -> 1, Epilog -> {Text[Style[1849 + Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]], Red, 21], {2.5, 1.}]}] & @
Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]][[1 ;; Min[k, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]]]]], {k, 1, Length[Partition[tempdata[[All, 2]], UpTo[12]]] + 10}];

And proceed as before. The last frame looks like this:

enter image description here



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
11 Replies

On my system, the kernel quits during the import and conversion. I broke the code up into smaller segments and used a local copy and got it to work. I think the problem is that the kernel times out using Interpreter[] so much. If I do the dates first, using Interpreter[], then the temperatures, it works.

I tried this with Mathematica 10.4.1 on a 13 inch and 15 inch MacBook Pro, running tOS X 10.11.5

I agree that the spiral interpretation, although neat looking, distorts the data.

Posted 9 years ago

Great data visualization, it would be nice to see this on a billboard in some major city, rather than a Cola sign or Ikea furniture advert...


POSTED BY: Vincent Meade

Thanks for this great data visualization. I just joined Wolfram pro in order to try to understand the temperature spike starting in October, 2015. Below is the quarterly data from NASA ( from 1977-2016 I plotted these with Excel and came up with the following graph.

I would appreciate any thoughts/analysis of this. I am still learning Wolfram and don't know how to enter a data file this large for Wolfram statistical analysis.

Quarterly NASA temperature anomalies--1977-2016

15 27 23 9 8 14 -5 8 6 12 10 27 40 32 24 23 39 35 33 18 21 7 9 14 45 36 22 28 21 24 12 13 3 15 11 12 28 27 13 9 32 23 36 32 49 46 40 30 28 29 27 29 39 28 37 39 44 42 49 37 40 34 16 5 32 30 21 13 18 31 31 40 55 40 47 42 35 33 37 29 36 42 44 62 69 65 72 47 57 33 38 42 44 52 42 35 40 56 54 59 68 71 56 59 56 58 56 65 67 56 38 63 60 67 65 77 65 53 63 69 81 71 60 61 37 59 51 66 56 59 69 71 72 85 64 71 50 61 69 59 49 67 61 76 58 60 63 75 63 80 68 81 82 80 76 96 119

Note that the quarterly data for Apr, May, and June will come out in another week or two. So far the average of April and May is 120.

POSTED BY: Jack Fleck

Please consider this graph of global temperatures from 1977 - 2016. Does it seem more likely to you that the trend is exponential or linear or something else? Data source: global temperature increases 1977-2016

NASA temperature anomalies--1977-2016 (2016 projected using June, 2016 for remainder of year) 18 7 17 28 33 13 30 15 12 19 34 40 29 44 42 23 24 32 46 34 48 63 42 42 54 63 61 54 69 63 66 54 64 72 60 63 65 74 87 94

POSTED BY: Jack Fleck

The simplicity of this is fascinatingly impressive and brutal. Reminds me the films where characters are forced to grasp for a thin layer of air at the ceiling in a tank flooded with water. Nicely done.

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

Like in The Drowning Pool (the scene was also in the book, I believe). I wish few more of Ross MacDonald's Lew Archer books were made into movies.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

Dear George,

you are quite right, sometimes there are issues with Interpreter when applied to many entries. In fact I have another version where I use a bit more of input modification and then the function DateObject instead. This is much faster and never appears to cause problems.

Interpreter is more concise though and takes away lot of the fiddling with the data. I don't think that this is an issue of the OS or laptop performance. I used simple MacBook to generate the plot, but also checked on a couple of MacBook Pros, an iMac, a windows machine and a MacPro. The internet speed seems to be important. In another post people suggested that also the Wolfram Server you connect to is quite important for the performance.

Best wishes,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

enter image description here - another post of yours has been selected for the Staff Picks group, congratulations !

We are happy to see you at the tops of the "Featured Contributor" board. Thank you for your wonderful contributions, and please keep them coming!

Posted 9 years ago

Interesting but the data is a fantasy. HADCRUT4 is a blend of CRUTEM4 land-surface air temperature dataset and the HadSST3 sea-surface temperature (SST) dataset. I can't believe the entire world, including places man had never explored or sailed, had accurate thermometers recording every year. The graph should be labeled "for entertainment only". The 2016 bump is an El Nino phenomena that doesn't upset the political climate so it will not be corrected and homogenized and gridded out of existence.

POSTED BY: Douglas Kubler
Posted 9 years ago

Your graph includes sea surface temperatures. US SST's are suspect because they have recently been corrected to account for buoy vs. ship measurements - that's the excuse. Of course the official US position is that global warming is the biggest our safety.

POSTED BY: Douglas Kubler
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