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Download an older version of Mathematica?

Posted 8 years ago

My Macbook can only upgrade to iOS 10.6.8, but the newest version of Mathematica requires iOS 10.9 or newer. Is there an older version available for download? I need this for a class and would rather just get an older version than have to buy a whole new laptop.

POSTED BY: Kyle Clements
2 Replies

I checked on my web user portal: if you subscribed to the Service Plus, all previous versions seems available for download with their registration keys. Christian

POSTED BY: Christian Neel

My guess is that Kyle is not a premier support subscriber. He should contact Wolfram directly and see what they can do. (From what I have seen, they are pretty decent about this.)

Depending on Kyle's needs, the Cloud version or Mathematica on-line may be good enough. I don't know about the browser requirements, though, but my guess is that they are looser than the hardware requirements for the desktop.

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