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A simplistic solution is *Evaluate In Place...* - use a Text Cell, using Alt+7 - type `Round[11/10]=Round[11/10]` - select the second one - use menu item *Evaluation >> Evaluate In Place* HTH.
Thanks Scot...this is very useful!
Thank you Sean...and for explaining what an "Interpreter for EntityClass" means
Hey Carl: Since you were looking for a workaround, I tried that `CloudGet[]` from the desktop, it works: ![moon data from desktop][1] Then I tried to get the `InputForm[]` so your could copy/paste the data, but the front end complains about...
The code is a one liner: DensityPlot3D[Sin[1.5 x] Cos[3 y + 2 z] + x + Cos[2 z], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -2, 2} , PlotTheme -> "Marketing", ImageSize -> 600 ] The image matches the sample, but… The first symptom is...
I did some brief testing with another social media domain which was apparently supported at one time, according to the documentation (SocialMediaData). Trying to use Linked in retrieved the following error messages: ![error returned with...
This function is listed as *EXPERIMENTAL* anyway (`ref/TextStructure`), so I am mostly documenting the occurrence, so when the engineer who works on this does investigate, this is another test case. This gnarly sentence causes `TextStructure[]`...
Hello Tom: I only read the first 2 chapters. I know well and respect your motivation. But… “one cent” - Don’t we fear that the young kids will only be able to differentiate a polynomial using a machine? I have been known to worry that today’s...
Hey Luis: You basically have it… 1) `AudioInterval[]` already dumps intervals without Table, so your construction will produce 3 sets of intervals. 2) I got it to look like you want (and produce output) by typing the command like this: ...
I am evaluating a very simple query testing *parent region* and `EntityValue[]`. More than 50% of the time, I get this database exception error. ![screenshot of the error message][1] The command string is directly from the help text. ...